What *is* thy bidding, my master?

Feb 25, 2020 00:43

So, on a whim, I signed up for fandomforoz |
fandomforoz |
fandomforoz: a multifandom charity auction dedicated to helping raise funds for the Australian Bushfires relief.

I have three offerings and my "creator page" (is unfortunately) on livejournal --> I know a lot of my DW friends don't like LJ at all (so, I guess you're missing out? LOL) But surprisingly, I have a couple of bids which is like WOWOWOWOWOW. I was gonna be like "no one's gonna bid on me..."

But I thought I'd spread the word and create a banner and not do actual work I am supposed to be doing (ha!)

I hope you guys CHECK ME OUT.


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This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/760170.html. Thanks for reading

about: fun things, about: merlin, about: art, about: dig should be sleeping instead, about: harry potter, about: writing

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