Under Pressure (It starts with a dance… - ch. 3)

Dec 27, 2019 23:33

Title: Under Pressure
Story Title: It stars with a dance...
Created by:
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter. Neville/Charlie
Rating: PG-13
WC: 270
Challenge/Summary: For "celebration" photo for
A/N: Unbetaed. Part of the A Season for Weddings universe. Totally different pairing and story line. Fluff. Happy ending. Little to no angst.

While everyone outside celebrated the union of his sister to her wife, Charlie had all but dragged Neville to wash up. In the loo, Charlie handed his wand to Neville and asked him to do the spell. Neville looked so nervous but he performed well.

"Ah, I had heard you weren't the type to crack under pressure," Charlie teased and Neville's ears pinked. "Thank you."

"Of course," Neville said with a shy smile. "It was my fault, really. I spilled the drink-"

"So does that mean you need to make it up to me?" Charlie asked, taking a step closer to Neville who stepped back and his back hit the wall. "Don't worry. I won't ask you to do anything you don't wish to do."

"Oh?" Neville asked looking intrigued. "What makes you think I wouldn't wanna do something?"

Charlie bit the inside of his cheek and tilted his head. "You surprise me, Neville-"

Without notice, Neville reached up, grabbed the back of Charlie's neck and kissed him. Charlie pressed his body against Neville's, their hips grinding together, and he felt Neville's erection brush against his own.

When they broke apart, it was Charlie's turn to look totally flustered and be tongue-tied.

"Sorry. I just… I thought you might be flirting with me and I was-am interested. Also I'm slightly impatient- so, I hope-"

"No. Please don't apologise. I love a forward man."

Neville shrugged. "So do you want to go back then? Maybe get that dance?"

"Yeah…" Charlie said, reaching over to lock the bathroom door behind Neville. "In a minute," he added, and dropped to his knees.

story: it starts with a dance, pairing: neville/charlie, rating: pg-13, community: adventdrabbles

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