Title: The bookshop, part 78
digthewriterWritten for:
draco100 PROMPT 78: see
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Notes: The next part in the series: "
The Bookshop"
The surprised look on everyone's face was a sight to marvel over, Draco thought. If he weren't so good at acting, he would've laughed. He'd just called Harry his boyfriend after Harry'd been cornered by his friends about loving Draco.
Well, we all deserve someone.
"Boyfriend?" Ginny Weasley said sounding amused. "I see there's more here than meets the eye."
"You do rush into things, don't you?" Ron said.
Draco gave him a sharp look. "And do remind me, Weasley, because I can't recall what the Prophet stated: how long did you date Granger before you moved in with her?"
This entry was originally posted at
https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/729519.html. Thanks for reading