June Daily Deviant Fic: No Boundaries (Harry, Draco, Neville, Charlie)

Jun 14, 2019 17:57

After taking a small break (that no one noticed) from
daily_deviant's posting, I'm back with a new story today. It's a weird combination foursome that ends with a hopeful/fluffy ending. LOL, so not like me (funny DIG is funny). If you give it a try, I hope you like it. xo.

Title: No Boundaries.
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco. Harry/Neville/Draco. Draco/Neville/Charlie. Neville/Charlie. (And combinations of the four to a limit)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: For June 2019: cuckoldry: the practice of allowing, encouraging, or directing one's partner to have sex with others | zelophilia: arousal from experiencing jealousy or causing jealousy in another.
Other Warnings/Content: anal, blowjobs, fingering, group sex, jealousy, double penetration, oral sex, voyeurism.
Word Count: 7500
Author's Notes: This is a story that's been in my head suffering to get out for a couple of years now. It's not all exactly how I wanted it to be, but at the same time, I'm glad it has a life now. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it in four days.

Just an FYI for those that might care. It's strictly Top!Harry and Top!Charlie and Bottom!Neville. Draco is versatile. Blink and you'll miss it, chubby!Neville. Minor themes of D/s, and aftercare.

Summary/Description: To the world, Neville was Harry and Draco's flatmate. To Harry, he was an integral part of their relationship. It all changed when they saw Charlie at a party and took him home.

LINK ON: Insanejournal | AO3.

This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/710439.html. Thanks for reading

threesome: neville/charlie/draco, character: harry potter, pairing: neville/charlie, threesome: neville/draco/harry, community: daily deviant, pairing: harry/draco, about: writing

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