The Professor, Part 37

Jan 04, 2019 01:50

Title: The Professor, Part 37
Character(s): Neville, Theo, Charlie
Rating: R
Warning(s): 8th year. EWE.
Challenge(s): "A NEW MAN" for
neville100 |
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Unbetaed. Continuation of the Professor series.

It was one thing to be with Theo, but being with Charlie? Also being with Charlie made him feel like a new man. He had a new form of freedom he wasn't used to before.

He groaned as his head hit the door behind him while his cock hit the back of Charlie's throat. "Fuck me…" he moaned.

"I can see that." Theo's voice was amused and much to Neville's surprise, Charlie didn't stop. Didn't even flinch. There was just something about being with these men, his men, that made Neville so special. They always gave him their undivided attention.

This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

community: neville100, rating: r, story: the professor

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