Title: The bookshop, part 55
digthewriterWritten for:
draco100 PROMPT: Night
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Word count: 100x2
Notes: The next part in the series: "
The Bookshop"
"Mother!" Draco said, trying not to be totally scandalised. There had to be a line somewhere, and for her to comment on Draco's life, his sex life like that? "You've been spending far too much time with Pansy."
"Oh, Draco," his mother said shaking his head. "If Mr Potter were to spend the night here, I expected him to be sleeping in the guest room. What did you think-?" Her eyes widened. "Pardon me, sir. We still have rules in this house."
Draco sagged in his chair relieved. "My mistake," he mumbled.
"I only expected to see him in the morning because he seemed to be so fond of you. It's one thing for you to parade around the gardens kissing, but if he's going to continue…"
"We are going to be dating, Mother, but if our relationship goes in a more physical direction…" He cringed as he said the words, making sure to stare at his plate of food and not his mother, "I'll announce his stay well in advance or I'll let you know if I'll be elsewhere for the evening."
"Thank you. And let's not discuss this again."
"Of course, Mother," he said, and that was that.
This entry was originally posted at
https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/647448.html. Thanks for reading