hd-birthdaybash drabble: sweet surprises

Jun 15, 2018 01:33

Title: Sweet Surprises
Created by:
Fandom/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 150
Rating: PG
Warnings/Content: EWE
Challenge/Summary: Harry's birthday jumper for the hd_birthdaybash - table of prompts. Prompt 1.
A/N: Unbetaed. Also also written as a birthday gift for enchanted_jae

PROMPT ONEHarry wasn't surprised when he opened his birthday box. It'd arrived via the Floo first thing in the morning, and Molly's handwriting was a complete giveaway.

It was, of course, another Weasley jumper with the letter H on it. However, this time, it was a beautiful royal blue, and Harry was completely in awe with the colour. Mrs Weasley had heard his request he'd made last winter, and Harry's birthday was almost at the end of the summer, so it was perfect timing.

Soon enough, there'd be chilly evenings when he could wear the jumper around the house to stay warm.

What Harry was surprised about was how by the time the sweet autumn breeze arrived that year, it wasn't he who was wearing his jumper. It was his new boyfriend. Malfoy.

Harry didn't mind, though. Since, Draco liked wearing Harry's jumper and nothing else, when staying over his house.

This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/617718.html. Thanks for reading

community: hd_birthdaybash, recipient: enchanted_jae, gift fic, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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