Title: The Date, Part 25
digthewriterFandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 235
Rating: PG-13
Challenge/Summary: Potter and Draco kiss. | Written for prompt: flying for
hp_may_madness DAY 25
Notes: Unbetaed
Potter groaned once Draco let him go, and Potter's face fell into the crook of Draco's neck.
"That was more than I was expecting…far more than what I'd hoped for."
"Hm," said Draco, and he thought about pulling away when Potter wrapped his arms around Draco's waist and held him tight.
"Oh, no you don't…" he said. "If I knew you kissed like that, I would have asked you for a kiss ages ago. Heck, if I knew you kissed like that, I would have avoided the whole song and dance. Kissing you is better than flying."
"You're drunk."
"On what? Coffee?"
Draco shrugged. "On jealousy. You only want me because you think Michael-"
"Don't be stupid, Draco," Potter said. He looked up from where his head had been resting and his eyes fell on Draco's lips again. "Can I have another?" His grin so wide, Draco thought it was impossible for one's face to stretch wide like that.
Draco raised an eyebrow and Potter stood up straight. "I now know you like to kiss me, so I know you won't deny me."
He was right. So Draco leaned in, in a flash, Potter had them switched around. Now, Potter was crowding Draco's space, his knee in-between Draco's thighs, and he had Draco's hands locked above his head.
It was beyond hot, and Draco may or may not have let out a small whimper.
This entry was originally posted at
https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/610911.html. Thanks for reading