Title: The Date, Part 9
digthewriterFandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 225
Rating: PG
Challenge/Summary: Written for prompt: birds for
hp_may_madness DAY 9
Notes: Unbetaed
They settled into a booth in the corner of a Muggle 24-hour café bar. A waitress came by to take their order and Potter ordered a coffee while Draco settled for a hot cocoa. He was freezing, and still slightly soaked from the rain.
Draco had never been to such a place before, not in Muggle London, and he took in the decor. There was a nature theme to it with trees, and birds painted on the wall. It was warm, not just in temperature but also in atmosphere. Eventually Draco relaxed, and realised Potter had really snuggled up to him.
"So, about the case…" Draco said.
"Yeah, can we discuss that on Monday morning?" Potter said.
"Well, then what do you want?" asked Draco.
"I would think that was fairly obvious by now," Potter said with a smile. "After all, I did come searching for you. To apologise, and for a second chance."
Draco cleared his throat. "I'm afraid Potter, I might have given you the wrong impression…" Draco said slowly and Potter looked surprise, but remained silent. "I agreed to go and have one dinner with you but…I'm not…"
"Not what?" Potter asked eventually when Draco was hesitating for a moment.
"I'd like to be friends, if that's possible. I can't…I mean, I'm not…looking for a lover."
"Oh," said Potter.
This entry was originally posted at
https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/602681.html. Thanks for reading