The Talk (Ginny, past Hermione/Ginny)

Mar 10, 2018 19:37

Title: The Talk
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ginny, Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: CHALLENGE # 149 - FAST for
Word Count: 420
Summary: Ginny explains things to Ron.
Notes: This is part 6 of the "Twisted Secrets" Story (AO3 LINK) written for prompts from

"How did you find out? I thought, I mean, I thought-" Ginny struggled with the words, and her brain wasn't functioning fast enough. "It's over. You know."

"That's how I know. Hermione might be my ex-girlfriend, but once upon a time, she was also my best friend. I still want to be friends with her. I think you two think I still hate her or something. She comes by; we’re still close…ish."

"Still doesn't answer the question."

"She stopped coming around. You're sad, whenever Harry and I see her, she looks unhappy. I mean, as much as Hermione could look unhappy. She's good with schooling her expression. I didn't realise she was gay or whatev-"

"Bi. She's bisexual."

"Yeah, didn't realise she'd go after you."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "She didn't go after me. We were at a party for Parkinsons' engagement, we were drinking a lot. Both of us went out to the balcony to take a breather. We were so close…then I kissed her. Then she kissed me back and well, that was that."

"And why's it over now? Why haven't you chased after her if she broke up with you?"

"She didn't end it, Ron. I did," said Ginny, looking at the closed book she was holding. "She doesn't want to be out; it wasn't good. I felt like a dirty little secret of hers. When we were alone it was good. I was happy but it's hard to love someone and not be able to tell your family or friends about them."

"Don't you think you can talk to her? I mean she's a reasonable person. What is she worried about? Me? I hope not."

Ginny shrugged. "It's not as accepted in Muggles as it is in Wizards. I think there's that fear: she thinks it'll affect her reputation somehow. Being with one Weasley after another…"

"Do you want me to talk to her?"

"Oh, Merlin. No!" said Ginny, surprised at how she laughed at the idea. "I'm afraid you might make it worse. No offence."

Ron shook his head. "I just can't stand this. Mum's been bugging me about it. Now, what am I gonna tell her?"

"It won’t be your problem soon," Ginny said, sympathetically. She felt for Ron. How would he tell Mum his ex-girlfriend broke his sister’s heart?

"What d’you mean?"

"I’ll be off to practice again. I won’t be around as much. Who knows, maybe I’ll meet someone new."

"Is that what you want?"

"Who knows what I want."

This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

pairing: hermione/ginny, -femmeslash, community: femslashficlets, story: twisted secrets, character: hermione granger, rating: pg

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