Marketing Malfoy's, Chapter Fourteen (Harry/Draco)

Jan 31, 2018 12:22

That awkward moment when I had to re-read the story in the last couple of days to remember what it was about so I could update it. Sigh. Title: Marketing Malfoy's, Chapter 14
Word Count: 2500 this chapter. Whole fic so far: ~34K
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Warnings: Modern!Au/Muggle Au - Non magic.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Hey, remember this story? Yeah, me neither. It's not been updated in a year and a half so here's an updated chapter. I hope to finish this story by March in a few more chapters. Don't hold your breath. Totally unbetaed.


Summary: Draco is back in London and gets more surprising news. What else has Harry been hiding?

"When do you come back?" Scorpius's wide eyes pierced through Draco's skin and right at his heart. He had been worried the boy was going to cry, but he supposed Scorpius was a true Malfoy because he asked questions and didn't show his emotions.

Draco looked at Astoria who was beaming with pride. He supposed she was happy her son was taking the news so well. Scorpius was a lot stronger than any of his parents gave him credit for.

"As soon as I can," Draco answered honestly, "but I can't tell you exactly when. When I go back to work, I don't know how much I have to do. So I'm not certain if it'll be in two weeks or two months."

"What if it's more than two months?" Scorpius asked with all the seriousness in the world, and his hand was gripping his fork so tightly, Draco was worried the boy was going to bend it in two.

"Tell you what," Astoria said before Draco could answer Scorpius.

"We'll make a note of two months on our calendar, and if Draco isn't back in that time, we'll take a short holiday to London to go and see him? What do you think about that?"

"What about school?"

"I'm sure they can spare you for a quick weekend," Draco said, earning a smile from Astoria, along with a sceptical look from Scorpius. He truly was the best and the worst version of the both of them.

"If you promise," Scorpius said, cautiously, looking at both his parents." Promise we'll see each other in two months."

"I promise, Son." The words escaped Draco's mouth before he could have stopped himself. A sheer sort of panic went through him and he looked at Astoria helplessly. His father used to make promises all the time and often broke them, and on top of that, he had just acknowledged Scorpius as his son.

Scorpius didn't seem bothered by it at all; as if he had not even realised what Draco had said.

"Fine. But if you don't come to visit me, I won't talk to you, ever. Mum used to make promises all the time…"

Draco looked at Astoria who looked worried, and then Draco realised Scorpius was talking about Pansy, and not Astoria. Shit, he was sure he could do so much better than Pansy as a parent, any day.

"That won't happen, Scorpius," Draco assured him. His heart was breaking that morning, he didn't want to leave Scorpius and Astoria, but he needed to do the right thing. He needed to do the right thing by Harry.

His Harry.

"I love you more than anything in the world, Scorpius," Draco said softly and Scorpius was off his seat and in Draco's arms in no time, and they were all far too emotional that would simply insult the Malfoy name, and Draco didn't care.

He had the best thing in the world in his arms, and an equally important thing in the world waiting in London for him.


The next day when Draco was back in the office at Marketing Malfoy's, the paperwork Hermione Granger and Oliver Wood had told him about was waiting for him. Neville had already talked to Oliver and was up to speed with everything but what he found most interesting was how he and Harry had ended up at the same place at the same time.

"Hannah thinks it's fate," Neville teased him, still, looking relieved Draco had reconnected with Harry.

"Of course, she does. She's the type to think of such a thing," Draco said, rolling his eyes, and doing his best to hide the grin from his face. Yes, he and Harry had reconnected and it was the best fucking thing in the world.

"Hopefully, they'll find Smith and then you and Harry can ride off into the sunset," Neville said.

Draco shook his head." Even if it's good right now-"

"Don't. Don't do that. You know I hate it when you do that," Neville said.

"Do what?" Draco asked, confused.

"You're already trying to find ways for it to not work about between you and Harry? Why don't you try to live a little, Draco? I know things with your father were never smooth but it doesn't mean every man in your life is going to screw you over? I mean, I haven't, and well…Harry's company sort of did, but he's making up for it, you know? I mean, do you honestly think he's doing this for his reputation? He's doing it for you. And you should be glad someone out there thinks you're worth it. Maybe you should start thinking it too."

Draco smiled at his friend who seemed to have so much confidence in him, especially about Draco, and nodded." You're right. It's nice to be wanted and I shouldn't try to ruin it."

Neville looked as though he'd won a battle and left a few files at Draco's desk, obviously to keep him busy, and left.

Without a second thought to anything, Draco returned to work. It wasn't until his phone chimed, was when his stomach grumbled. He quickly checked his text message before emailing a lunch order to his assistant.

Harry: Busy tonight?

Draco: Are you in town? Draco perked up at the possibility of seeing Harry again and so soon. He had no idea when he had so hard for the man but he knew, there was no going back now.

Harry: I wish. But I thought we could talk on the phone later.

Draco: Oh yeah? Talk about what?

Harry: How much I miss your cock in my mouth. How good it feels in my hand.

Draco: Where are you right now?

Harry: Edinburgh. Taking care of some business.

Draco: And what about Z. Smith?

Harry: It's being taken care of as well.

Draco: Ha. You sound like you're in the mafia. Is this something I should be scared of?

Harry: No. Just…I told you I'd fix it. It's what I'm doing. It was my promise.

Draco: You don't have to do this anymore. You don't have to prove anything. You have me.

Harry: I'm glad to know I have you. But I'm doing this so everyone will know not to mess with Potter's Inc, or Marketing Malfoy's for that matter.

Draco: Now you definitely sound like you're the mafia.

Harry: If that makes you hot for me… I could live with that.

Draco: Everything is business or pleasure, isn't it?

Harry: You have me figured out. What can I say? I find that hot in a man.

Draco: I miss you.

Harry's response took a bit longer this time and Draco almost panicked. Had he said too much? Had Harry changed his mind?

Harry: I wanted to reply with something so full of confidence or suave but I came up with nothing. You almost always leave me speechless. In any case, what I'm trying to say is I miss you terribly. We never got on the right foot about this whole dating thing. Maybe we can start fresh again? Let me take you out on a proper date. Ask you all sorts of personal questions and make things super awkward before you have to shut me up by kissing me and then drag me to your bedroom and have your way with me.

Draco: That sounds incredible. When CAN I see you again?

Harry: Soon. I've got to run but can we talk later? If that's possible?

Draco: Are you thinking phone sex? Or is that only me?

Harry: Oh, I'd def. thinking phone sex.


After his text message exchange with Harry, all Draco wanted to do was go home and prepare himself for the phone call. If it was was phone sex Harry wanted, it was phone sex he was going to get. It'd been a while since Draco had done something so crazy bizarre; he wasn't some nineteen year old kid anymore.

At the end of his work day a Draco was getting ready to leave, Neville caught up with him again.

"Did you read the news?" Neville asked, raising up his iPhone.

Draco shook his head, "I've been working," he said, and wanted to add, trying not to think about Harry.

"There's a small blurb in Financial Times about how Nott your average toys has been bought over. There was a Board vote and they all but kicked Theodore Nott out as CEO."

"How did that even come to be? Theodore owns the company. I mean it's his bloody name…"

"I don't know all the details," Neville replied, looking at his screen again, "but Hannah said she's going to contact her resources up in Glasgow and find out what's what. There's a rumour Nott might stay on as CEO but he won't be the majority shareholder. Some other company basically did a corporate takeover over-night."

"You don't think…I mean, it can't be…?" Draco was too afraid to say the words. If it was Potter Industries, what were they thinking?

"We'll have to see…" Neville looked pensive." You'll have to call up your boyfriend and find out."

"My boyfriend?" The words were still quite strange to fathom. Harry Potter was Draco's boyfriend.

"What would I ask? Hey, did you manage to throw the company that screwed me over into a total mess so you can prove you love me?." Draco laughed a humourless laugh, almost mocking himself. Harry was good, but no one was that good.

He took in a deep breath trying to calm himself.

"Besides, I think he's worrying about getting Smith in…"

"If Harry's taken over Nott's, then, he wouldn't have to worry about Smith anymore. He'd own the company through and through, and he could easily screw over Smith without getting legal in the mess."

"Then why would his attorneys, and my attorneys ask me to come back to London to send over this paperwork that's probably now worthless?"

Neville shrugged. Maybe to get you back in London so Harry can call on you whenever he pleases…or maybe this was their back up plan? I mean, doing a corporate takeover isn't easy. You have to go after the Board members, especially the ones who aren't happy with Nott, and offer them a sweet deal before they all call an emergency meeting…"

"But that's so much work."

Neville smiled at Draco as if he were the most innocent thing in the world." Just because you've been on holiday in Spain for days, DRaco, doesn't mean the rest of the world had stopped working. And you told me every time you saw Harry he was on the phone. What do you think he'd be doing if not this? I mean, I'm not saying he's behind this but timing's everything, isn't it? You told me it was the first rule in PR and advertising."

Draco scowled. He was sure he was showing his sour mood but everything inside him was twisting. Harry had said he'd wanted to be together. Did being with Harry mean Draco would forever be indebted to him?

Business and pleasure, wasn't that Harry's motto to live by?

Did he expect Draco to come running every time Harry snapped his fingers. Worst of all, Draco had to question-was running into Harry in Barcelona, really a coincidence? Or was it all part of his plan?

Suddenly, the idea of going home and waiting for Harry's phone call was no longer something that excited Draco. If anything, he was starting to dread it. Was it possible he'd fallen for a master manipulator with devastating charisma?

Feeling like the biggest fool ever, he shot a quick message to Harry on his mobile, asking him to reschedule; and when Harry's response had come in, Draco didn't answer it. Maybe he was running away, and maybe he was being a coward in that moment. But he knew, what he knew: if it didn't smell right, you walked away from it.

He'd not even been back for so long but Draco was starting to miss Astoria and Scorpius. Life was so much simpler when he was there with them. His family. Without even giving it a second thought, Draco called up his mother, and made dinner plans.


Ignoring his problems was only going to take him so far. For a few days, Draco did his best to ignore Harry's text messages. His response had been mostly one or two word messages, or simply saying, "in a meeting, can I get back to you?"

In hindsight, he should have expected what happened next.

Millicent walked in nervously and gave Draco a wide-eyed look.

"What is it?"

"You have a visitor. I've told him you're busy all day since it is what you had told me to say if he rang, but…"

"Harry? Harry's here…" Draco said, surprised, but managing to keep his tone calm. His hands were balled up into fists under his desk so Millicent couldn't see.

"I woulda given him my usual attitude, Boss, but I know…I mean…Draco!"

They stared at each other for a few seconds and Draco wasn't going to give her anything. She could assume whatever she wanted but Draco had been in the business long enough to never give the other party any information you didn't want them to have.

"He looks terrible," she said.

"Show him in," Draco said." No wait, actually, can you bring him into Conference Room B instead?"

Millicent nodded, her feisty self surfacing back up again." I'll have Todd walk him around the offices and finally take him into Conf B."

"Brilliant!" Draco said cheekily which earned him a sly grin from his assistant." Even if this whole thing tanks, promise me you'll always be by my side?"

Millicent shrugged." Well, as long as you don't expect me to be on my knees-"

"Millie!" Draco nearly shrieked.

"Just kidding, Boss," she said and turned around on her heels and walked out of Draco's office.

Draco would have laughed at their banter but he was far too stressed about this unexpected surprise. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. He hoped Harry wouldn't have more and more excuses for him and in the end, he wouldn't simply fall for all of them.

Was he actually in love with Harry? He didn't know. But did the idea of Harry make his heart beat faster? Yes. Draco knew that even if from now on they never engaged in any sexual activity, he'd still hold a candle for the man, and he couldn't even tell anyone why. Harry was everything he'd ever wanted. He was smart, confident, and kind. Even when they'd fought on opposite sides of a legal battle, Harry had made sure Draco and his company received the compensation they had deserved. He was also quite certain Harry wasn't simply doing that for him.

He would have done that for anyone.

Draco was special, but ordinary all the same.

This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

story: marketing malfoy's, rating: r, pairing: harry/draco

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