2018 Projects on the horizon- 1.11.2018

Jan 11, 2018 20:22

2018 Projects on the horizon- 1.11.2018

+ reelbbcmerlin - Due Jan 31
daily_deviant - Due Feb 14
+ ron_draco_fest - Due Feb 15
hp_goldenage - Due Feb 18
+ hds_beltane - Due April 16

[I've totally not started]

Modding on the horizon:
FEST: dracotops_harry.

Usual drabbling on the horizon:

hp_nextgen100, mixandmatch100 - the mod is back in action and said that she's going to start doing a weekly drabble challenge.

Try: monthly challenge for: slythindor100 and hd_fluff,
hp_coffeehouse, and

Later on there will be fest announcements made for
slashorific fest 2018 - DW fest only and I might give hp_drizzle away to a friend or look for a co-moderator.

I'm sure there's more that I'm probably forgetting, and I'm freaking out already. I'm also going to make a call for prompts for HARRY/DRACO art in the next few weeks so look out for that.

All my love and thanks for being amazing.
DIG.Remember when I said I was going to do less this year? Yeah, me neither. Also my goal for 2018 is to finish at least 3 WIPs.

This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/565131.html. Thanks for reading

about: come be my friend, about: dig should be sleeping instead, about: fests, about: what is this life?, about: things i mod, about: livejournal, about: wtf dude, about: life

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