Shatterproof Plan, Part 8

Dec 08, 2017 01:58

Title: Shatterproof Plan, Part 08
Pairing/Characters: Draco, Teddy, Alexander (Eventual H/D)
Word Count: 470
Rating: PG-13
Warning/Content: EWE. Angst. Eventual HEA.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. This is all fun and no offence is intended.
Author's Notes: Unbetaed for the most part. Story is legit made up as I go along w/ the prompts.
Prompt/Challenge: Loosely based on: 1. slythindor100 early bird prompt: candy canes, 2. dracoharry100 prompt: crazy decorations + winter wonderland, 3. newyearcntdown prompt: hats, 4.
adventdrabbles prompt/day 08: Puppy playing in wrapping paper

"So, I know there's a story there," Axander said, once they were seated at the resort's restaurant, and had placed their lunch orders. "More than he's just your cousin and you say that man is his uncle."

Draco laughed nervously.

"Well, he is my cousin. His grandmother and my mother are sisters," Draco said.

"And the uncle…?"

"That's Harry. Teddy's godfather. He's not related to us by blood but Harry and Teddy's father were close. Lots of history from the wizarding wars. I'm sure you could read up on it." Draco looked away from Alexander and played with the crazy Christmas decorations on the table, especially, the Santa hats on tiny shirtless male dolls. It was quite the winter wonderland. He twirled the hat around and around in his finger, all the while the musician in the corner of the room played Christmas music on his violin.

"Hmm," Alexander said, taking a sip of his water. They had ordered white wine but it hadn't been delivered to their table yet. "The only books I read are about the power to touch."

Draco picked up the toy candy cane next.

"So you and this Harry, there's a history there? I have a feeling it's not something I could find out more about in a book…"

Draco nodded.

Thankfully, the waiter returned to their table then and poured them both a glass of white wine.

"Water too," Alexander said. "It's very important to be hydrated after…"

"Of course," Draco said and picked up the glass of water and drank. "Long history. Very long and very boring," he said after a minute.

"Then give us the short version," Teddy said, appearing out of nowhere and pulling up a chair to the table.

"What happened with Harry? I mean… Potter. I…" Shit, Draco was getting so fucking flustered.

"Couldn't find him. But Liam told me he'd find out where Harry was staying and let me know."

"Is that legal?" Draco asked.

They both looked at Alexander then.

Alexander looked at them innocently, almost like a puppy caught behaving badly.

"What Liam does and tells you is none of my business," Alexander replied raising his hands. "But he is very good at what he does." Alexander looked pointedly at Teddy who had the decency to blush. "So please, continue with the short version."

"We have a romantic history," Draco said.

"Wait," Teddy said, holding his hand up and pointing north. "Uncle Harry is the lost love? The man you broke up with ages ago, the one you didn't get over, and… it's Harry?"

Draco made a face. He didn't like to talk about it. He hated to be reminded of his lost love. The man he had broken up with. The man he wasn't able to get over.

All too true and all too tragic.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

community: dracoharry100, community: newyearcntdown, character: teddy lupin, community: adventdrabbles, community: slythindor100, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg-13, story: shatterproof plan

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