A million thanks to my awesome friends...

Sep 18, 2017 13:55

Hi guys, I am back in the US and enjoying my day off from work as I start again tomorrow (blah!) so I wanted to take the time to say thanks to sassy_cissa for taking over MOD duties for both
hogwarts365 and hogwarts365, and ravenclawsquill for re-posting all the fics and art from hp_drizzle to
hpdrizzle for two weeks and doing the weekly round up!

You two human beings are the best of the best and I couldn't have had a stress-free vacation w/out you. You really did the biggest favours to me and I am so humbled by your kindness and offer to help.

Now here are some more images from my trip for you to enjoy...

This entry was originally posted at http://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/523408.html. Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

about: come be my friend, about: dig should be working instead, about: dig is on vacation, about: the best of friends on lj, about: awesomeness, about: happiness, about: things i mod, about: friends, about: writing

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