Hiding - Hermione/Ginny

Sep 13, 2017 22:43

Title: Hiding
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Ginny/Hermione
Rating: PG
Prompt: # 123: WORK for
Word Count: 215
Summary: Ginny wonders why Hermione is hiding.
Notes: This is part two of the story: Twisted Secrets. You can read Part One here: ENOUGH (AO3 LINK)

"Hermione says she's been working quite a lot," Molly informed Ginny as she sat on the dining table waiting for her mother to pour the tea.

"Oh?" was all Ginny said.

"Yeah, that's why she hasn't been coming around."

Even after Hermione and Ron had broken up--three years ago--Ginny's mother had continued to invite Hermione over. And Hermione always accepted. That's how the thing between them had started in the first place. But, of course, they'd kept it a secret.

Now Hermione and Ginny were no longer together...Ginny had no expectations of them continuing to be friends. Ginny wasn't like that. She wasn't like Ron or Harry. If it'd been up to her, she'd not have kept in touch with Harry either. But since Harry and Ron were inseparable, it was hard to avoid Harry.

Besides, Harry didn't treat Ginny the way Hermione had. Harry had never lied to Ginny or lied to the world about himself. Ginny'd told Harry she was bisexual, and Harry had told her that he was certain he was gay. And he was. Because now, he was with Malfoy, and still Ron was by his side.

Hermione couldn't handle one little ultimatum. Ginny had no idea why she was hiding. Or who she was hiding herself from.


This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/521642.html. Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

pairing: hermione/ginny, -femmeslash, community: femslashficlets, story: twisted secrets, character: hermione granger, rating: pg

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