Fest Pimping: hp-creatures & HD prompts!

Jul 21, 2017 10:47

CLAIMING is now open @

Below are 18 Harry/Draco prompts listed specifically for HD pairings. Visit the Prompt list here for all other prompts that are multiple pairings or open for pairing. | Claiming post is here on LJ & here on DW

Prompt Submitted By: themightyflynn
Creature: Ashwinder
Pairing: Harry/Draco or Percy, or Charlie
Era: Post-Hogwarts
Additions: Harry kept his ability to speak Parseltongue
Scenario: Ashwinders listen to Parselmouths. Draco/Charlie/Percy has a problem that only Harry can solve.
Squicks: Unhappy ending, abuse, mental health issues
Maximum Rating: NC-17

Prompt Submitted By: themightyflynn
Creature: Cats
Pairing: Draco/Harry, or Severus
Era: Post-Hogwarts
Additions: Draco being adopted by kittens!
Scenario: Draco opens Diagon Alley's first Cat Cafe
Squicks: Unhappy ending, mental health issues
Maximum Rating: NC-17

Prompt Submitted By: evening12
Creature: Baron Samedi
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: Post-Hogwarts
Additions: Respectful depictions of other cultures, new magic
Scenario: In his international travels, Harry encounters the Baron Samedi.
Squicks: Infidelity/adultery, death of main character
Maximum Rating: Any

Prompt Submitted By: parkbyun
Creature: Werewolf
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: Up to you!
Additions: Mpreg, knotting, a/b/o dynamics
Scenario: Draco was bitten by a werewolf and on a full moon he found his mate (Harry). They mated in their wolf form, and the after effect is not really desirable at first.
Squicks: Character bashing, underage, death, miscarriage
Maximum Rating: NC-17

Prompt Submitted By: digthewriter
Creature: Veela
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Any
Additions: Pining. Switching.
Scenario: Harry is looking for his veela mate but he doesn't want to seem inexperienced when he goes on dates w/ potential mates so he hires (on the down low) someone to educate him about sex. Draco thinks this is all a big joke and goes with it anyway. They start slowly, just by kissing, and eventually moving on to actual sex. Finally, Harry is ready to start dating and meeting this prospective mates. By that time, Draco's realized that he's fallen for Harry. Now it's up to Harry to notice whether his dates are fulfilling or has he already met his mate?
Squicks: Hardcore BDSM. Orgasm denial. Death. Explicit sex between H or D with anyone else.
Maximum Rating: Any

Prompt Submitted By: digthewriter
Creature: Anything with wings
Pairing: Harry/Draco or Neville/Charlie
Era: Any
Additions: Bathroom sex/Shower sex.
Scenario: Wings kink. Anything goes.
Squicks: Hardcore BDSM. Orgasm denial. MCD. Infidelity.
Maximum Rating: Any

Prompt Submitted By: rubysilkensun
Creature: Something unusual - maybe something elemental?
Pairing: Draco/Harry or Charlie or Neville
Era: Any
Additions: Strange powers
Scenario: Draco has become something rare and prized by the wizarding world. He is doing everything he can to hide but sooner or later someone will find him or uncover what he is
Squicks: Unhappy endings
Maximum Rating: Any

Prompt Submitted By: kittyaugust
Creature: Baby basilisk
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Any/EWE
Additions: Parseltongue, Aurors, Dean Thomas
Scenario: There's a baby basilisk in the Minister's office, and Auror Malfoy is sent by his superiors, in their inordinate and infuriating 'wisdom', to try and ask a very big favour from the former Golden Boy and currently reclusive Harry Potter. He's going to have to be very convincing indeed to get this job done.
Squicks: Addiction fic.
Maximum Rating: Any

Prompt Submitted By: divertazsc
Creature: Veela
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: Post-Hogwarts
Additions: UST, self esteem issues
Scenario: Harry travels to France to mediate a dispute with the Veela Nation, while there he is escorted by a Veela who conceals his identity and they strike up a friendship, the Veela is Draco - who fled after the war to hide his heritage, Harry discusses his time in school and the war with his new friend and constantly disparages Malfoy and his pureblood mania, Harry tries to become closer with the unknown Veela but Draco knows he will be shunned when his identity is revealed.
Squicks: Self harm
Maximum Rating: Any

Prompt Submitted By: divertazsc
Creature: Hybrid
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: Post-Hogwarts
Additions: Mistrust, misunderstandings
Scenario: Auror Potter has stepped in it again, while attempting to take down a dark wizard who was attempting to create a superior magical being - Harry is bitten/exposed by to a hybrid of werewolf/vampire/vela, as Harry's friends try and figure out how to help and conceal his condition they must reach out to the last person Harry would trust, Draco is now an accomplished healer and researcher and sees Harry as the ultimate challenge
Squicks: N/A
Maximum Rating: Any

Prompt Submitted By: arden_flynn
Creature: Veela
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Era: Hogwarts Era
Additions: Smut, Bottom Draco, Slow burn, relationship building
Scenario: 'Draco had always loved getting a reaction out of Harry, but this was so much better.' Where Draco is trying to balance his newly acquired veela sex drive as well as a secret crush on one Harry Potter.
Squicks: rape/non-con, predestined mates, OOC Draco/Harry
Maximum Rating: NC-17

Prompt Submitted By: rubysilkensun
Creature: Banshee
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: 8th year or Post-Hogwarts
Additions: Draco does not know at first why he is drawn to Harry or why his presence brings out an inhuman side of him
Scenario: Creatures of Death are drawn to its master
Squicks: Gore
Maximum Rating: Any

Prompt Submitted By: Cyn_ful
Creature: Fairy/elf
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: Any
Additions: Hidden Heritage, Rituals, Drunken parties, consequences
Scenario: Our human has stumbled upon a fairy/elven party. They join in the festivities without truly realizing that it was not just a Halloween party they were attending. Make it as dark or light as you want it.
Squicks: Het, OOC, character bashing (ie Dumbledore, Weasley - more than necessary)
Maximum Rating: Whatever it calls for.

Prompt Submitted By: Cyn_ful
Creature: Vampire
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Any
Additions: Lots of blood play, dark, devious
Scenario: The non-vampire stumbles across the vampire in a dark alleyway, castle hallway, etc. Feel free to go as dark as you want.
Squicks: OOC
Maximum Rating: Whatever you feel it calls for.

Prompt Submitted By: Cyn_ful
Creature: Any humanoid (vampire, elf, fairy, siren - not werewolf)
Pairing: Harry/Draco - Severitus style - Snape secret parent to Harry
Era: Any
Additions: Harry is coming into an inheritance that he knows nothing about. Snape denial. Pining. Longing.
Scenario: Harry collapses into the arms of Draco. No one knows what is going on
Squicks: Harry/Female
Maximum Rating: As high as it needs to be

Prompt Submitted By: Cyn_ful
Creature: Chimera
Pairing: Harry/Tom Riddle, Harry/Draco
Era: Any
Additions: Harry having the mentality of the creature, being treated like a pet and not human
Scenario: Somehow Harry is the newest pet for XXX (you decide). The other is not happy with this arrangement. He wants to see Harry strong and very much an equal and not someone's pet "kitten"
Squicks: None
Maximum Rating: Whatever you would like

Prompt Submitted By: gracerene
Creature: Vampire
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: Post Hogwarts
Additions: biting, magnetic attraction
Scenario: Harry knows Draco's dangerous, but he can't stay away.
Squicks: rape/non-con, mpreg
Maximum Rating: NC-17

Prompt Submitted By: ladyofsd
Creature: Winged Horse
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Era: Hogwarts-Era AU
Additions: UST. Harry getting a makeover. Racing on horseback, getting all sweaty.
Scenario: For the school year, Hagrid pairs all students and assigns them pets to look after. Over the holiday, Harry finds himself at Malfoy Manor where the Malfoys take Harry under their wing.
Squicks: Unhappy ending, OOCness, scat, the phrase ‘thank you very much’
Maximum Rating: NC-17 preferred.

This entry was originally posted at http://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/506305.html. Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

about: dig should be working instead, about: fun things, about: prompt extravaganza, about: fests, about: omg, about: things i mod

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