SIGN UPS FOR LDWS are here and going fast!

Jul 02, 2017 12:19

I had participated last year and lasted a few rounds before I was voted off (hahaha) so I'm thinking of humiliating myself again. HEY, YOU SHOULD TOO.

No seriously, though. It's a lot of fun and you should JUST DO IT.

♦ The theme of the contest is Magical Items and Artefacts.

♦ The first prompt will be posted on Friday, July 7th, around 12pm GMT.

♦ Before you sign-up please take a look at the Rules and the Writers' Schedule for the eight weeks.

The only trouble is I think my travelling schedule might be in the way. But I have until Tuesday evening to decide.

SIGN UP POST IS HERE at slythindor100

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

about: come be my friend, about: fun things, about: dig should be writing instead

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