Jun 29, 2017 00:14


a person or people related to one and so to be treated with a special loyalty or intimacy.

Did you know that
hd_familyfest (despite of what people think of its name) isn't about Harry and Draco and their kids? Or any kid? Or a kid at all?

We want all your FAMILY PROMPTS.

What is life like for Harry and Draco as a unit and dealing with the Weasley Family?

What is about like for them to be each other's family?

Prompting ends on July 1st, so give us ALL YOUR HARRY/DRACO prompts about two unique individuals that learn to love each other -- live with each other -- with or WITHOUT the kids!

What is it like when they're both 110 years old and Draco is like "I just ignore him some evenings because he's just the most exhausting thing ever..."

What is it like when Harry tries to tell a 100 year old Draco to use his knees when he tries to walk / get off the sofa and Draco's all like "OMG, will you stop talking?"

Young, or old, or middle-age, we NEED all your prompts!

So head over to hd_familyfest or
hd_familyfest and give us your prompts before it's too late.


This entry was originally posted at http://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/497645.html. Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

about: come be my friend, about: pimping, about: dig should be sleeping instead, about: omg, about: things i mod

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