The fact that...

Apr 25, 2017 15:54

Disclaimer: this is all fun and games no offence to your OTP is intended...and I sorta just started rambling.

My computer can't stay on for more than 15-20 minutes and keeps getting over heated and crashing whenever I go to start my snape_potter submission is a clear sign that even it is thinking I'm betraying my otp and I shouldn't be doing snarry.

It's like that one time my work computer crashed and wouldn't turn on for days and I had to get a new laptop - right when I was reading a Harry/Ginny fic.

Even all my technologies only ship Drarry.

All kidding aside, my laptop is on its last leg. Honestly, I think it's on its last toe. I had bought a cooling station but it doesn't seem to keep it cool. Yesterday I had a fan blowing right at it, and it still got overheated (with only one application running) and fucking crashed. Over and over again.

All my art-edit programs are on my computer, I don't have a tablet. It takes me hours to do anything to begin with and right now (last night for 4.5 hours) I was working on my partner's MAC b/c she just gave it to me feeling so bad for me (bless her) and I can't upgrade any of my software on it b/c her MAC is from the early 2000s! (We're in 2017).

We're nothing but ancient ladies working on ancient technologies. Le sigh.

Right now I have a trial "old" version of photoshop installed on the Mac b/c it's too old to have the latest technology and I can't use my adobe log in to get it - not sure if this means they expect me to pay? DO THEY EXPECT ME TO PAY FOR OLD TECHNOLOGY? Also another program I can't run on the Mac is "One Drive" so I am saving my work in dropbox. That's going to get old soon.

This is all because I'd told my partner about how all of a sudden I've found myself under a crushing debt. I am always in debt and I'm always working on paying it off - it's like LITERALLY the story of my life but now this new found debt that is even more crushing - has made me conclude that I shouldn't be buying a new computer - even the cool one I saw at Best Buy which was all touch screen and a real laptop.

I really really really really really need to figure out how to get my laptop to start cooling down b/c homie don't fly like that.

“The secret of joy is the mastery of pain.”

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about: technology, about: random dig is random, about: dig should be working instead, about: dig quotes anais nin, about: shipping, about: life, about: ranting

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