BACK (well - at home)

Apr 17, 2017 12:03

Back from my second vacation of April. Exhausted beyond all reason, and trying not to fall asleep at noon on a Monday so I don't end up staying up all night as I have to go back to work tomorrow.


However, my trip was fun. Had its ups and downs - mostly ups. Met a lot of great people, caught up w/ some old friends.

Probably won't get back to writing/posting until next week but I have been trying to read my feed as much as I can.

All the positive vibes to you guys.

Also, I am 15 hours in - on my 17+ hours of audiobook (ONE BOOK is 17 hours - like what was I even thinking???? But it's great and I love it so far. I will def be sharing this info w/ you guys soon in the near future. There's just something magical about in the inside world of a drag queen. AND OH, THE PINING!)


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about: come be my friend, about: dig is flailing, about: dig should be writing instead, about: life

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