CHAPTER TWO: Worth Every Penny... (The Wedding Date Remix)

Mar 08, 2017 11:16

Title: One wedding. No funeral. One unqualified catastrophe.
CHAPTER TWO: Worth Every Penny...

Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: This chapter: ~4900

Summary: Single businessman Arthur Pendragon decides to hire a male escort to pose as his boyfriend at his sister’s wedding. His plan, an attempt to dupe his ex-boyfriend, who broke it off with him a few years prior, proves to be Arthur’s undoing.


The next day, things seemed a little bit more settled. At least, in the morning. Everyone's day was planned out to the second, and Arthur knew that he didn't have time to freak out or divert from any plans. He filled Merlin in on what they were supposed to be doing.

Even though Merlin had offered to, and done quite a decent job in holding Arthur, and his touch had relaxed him, Arthur hadn't slept all that well. Seeing Cenred again had really messed with him. There was just something about him being there that didn't settle well with him - and it wasn't just he was there for Leon, there was something else, he knew it.

"Arthur, you okay?" Merlin asked, bring Arthur back to the conversation they'd been having.

"Yeah. Fine."

"Are you sure? Do you want me to come to-"

"No, Merlin. It's fine."

This was a family task. Arthur was supposed to go to the family lawyer with Uther, Morgana, and Vivienne so they could discuss their assets, make sure everything was in order with the paperwork prior to Morgana marrying Leon. Even though Morgana hadn't wanted a prenup, Uther had insisted on it, and Leon was okay with it.

After the formalities of the estate, they were all going out to go to lunch as a family, then they would return to the cottage and join in with the festivities. Merlin was supposed to stay behind and hang out with Leon and the group. The group that included Cenred.

Merlin walked out of the cottage with Arthur, holding his hand. They were going to make a big show of saying goodbye as Arthur left in the limo with his family, and Merlin was going to get in the car with Leon. They were all set to go out for brunch.

"So, you'll be okay?" Arthur asked, hating how nervous he sounded.

"You're worried about me and him spending time together," Merlin observed.

Their respective cars waited a few feet away when Merlin made a show of taking Arthur's hand and pulling him around. Arthur knew there were people there, not sure if they were watching them, when Merlin pushed Arthur against a car and all but settled himself in-between Arthur's legs.

"What are you doing?"

"Showing you how you're the man for me." Merlin smiled and brought himself closer.

Arthur leaned back, his head slightly tilting sideways. Merlin pressed himself against Arthur's groin and his face was close to Arthur's ear-his breath coaxed his skin and Arthur found it hard to breathe. "Mer..."

"I'm not going to kiss you. You can relax. You're safe."

Merlin took Arthur's head in his hands and moved his lips across the contours of his face. Arthur felt himself thinking how incredible intimate it was. Merlin's mouth hovered over his and their lips didn't touch. Arthur found himself breathing Merlin in.

"I'm not going to kiss you. Trust me. All you have to do is listen to my voice."

Arthur's body started to relax, even though he wished Merlin would kiss him. Slowly he slumped back against the car.

"He's going to be so sorry he let you go," Merlin said, his lips moving across Arthur's face. "He stares at me because you look so sexy, and I'm your perfect date, but it doesn't matter. This isn't about him. This isn't about me. It's about you. You're here, supporting your sister at her wedding, and you're perfect."

Merlin talked slowly, his lips moved across Arthur's forehead, then his cheek, and then they hovered over Arthur's lips again, but they didn't kiss.

"I'm your date. I need you to trust me. I want you to let go of the hurt, the insecurities, the past. When you do, he'll see you the way I see you, and in that moment, he'll finally understand what he's lost."

Merlin tipped Arthur's chin towards him, and he finally opened his eyes. Suddenly, Merlin looked serious. "But by then, the amazing thing is you won't care. You've moved on."

Merlin took a step back so Arthur could fully stand up. Arthur pressed the palm of his hand against his throbbing cock and tried to settle it. When he looked at Merlin, he'd expected Merlin to look amused, but Merlin was just watching him.

"You're worth every penny," Arthur whispered, and Merlin gave him a half smile.

And with the confidence Arthur didn't know he possessed, he pulled Merlin in for a long, deep kiss. By the time they let go, everyone around them was cheering. When Arthur looked around in Leon's and Cenred's direction, Leon was giving him a thumb's up and Cenred looked pained.

"I'll see you later, then," Arthur said.

"I can't wait," replied Merlin.


The next day, they were all going to drive down to River City for the wedding, so Arthur was happy to simply relax tonight and go to the dance club with Morgana, Leon, and whoever else that wanted to tag along.

After the little encounter he'd had with Merlin, despite knowing fully well that Merlin was only doing his job, Arthur couldn't stop thinking about it. If they were doing this-if Arthur was paying him-then it would be okay if Arthur wanted to take it to the next level. It'd been ages, after all, and Merlin looked like he wouldn't say no. Not when a couple hundred pounds were being offered, anyway.

He tried to shake the thought out of his mind. If, later on, Arthur wanted Merlin, he'd bring it up with him. He'd bring up the cost, and what they could and couldn't do. But not now, not when it was all in Arthur's head anyway.

The nightclub was rather empty for a Friday night, but Morgana seemed to love it. She liked the idea the entire place was only for her and her friends. Arthur laughed along with her as she pulled him onto the dancefloor and they all started dancing. Whenever Cenred was around, she'd give Merlin a look, and Merlin would bring Leon into the group and they'd move away to a different location on the dance-floor. Arthur didn't know if Morgana and Merlin were trying to protect Arthur from Cenred or if anything else was going on. After their little act earlier that morning, Cenred hadn't even looked at Arthur anymore. Arthur was almost certain the man had lost all interest him, and he was glad for it.

As the night went on, Arthur could no longer see Cenred around. Maybe he'd left. Eventually, Arthur didn't seem to care because the drinks poured on--Merlin and Arthur were only getting closer and closer together.

What was even more strange was the way Morgana had been acting. She was fine at first, but after some time, she had started snapping at everyone.

Arthur tried not to think about it. He focused on Merlin. He wanted to discuss their next step with him, but the music was too loud, the room was too dark, and Arthur simply could not find the right time.

Eventually, on his way to the loo, Arthur spotted an ATM. He stared at it long and hard, wondering if he should just go for it. If he and Merlin didn't end up having sex, then he'd only have a wad of cash on his person, and if they did, then he could get the formalities out of the way.

He decided to go for it. One card after another, Arthur took out the maximum limit for the day and stuffed it all in his pockets. He knew they weren't going to last very long at the club. Morgana was getting drunk and was more holding onto Leon's body than actually dancing with it. He made his way back to the dancefloor and was told his assumptions had been right. Merlin immediately pulled him into him, keeping his hand around Arthur's waist as they made their way out of the club.

"Let's take a taxi," Merlin suggested.

"What?" Arthur asked. They'd all come together in a car and the driver was waiting for them.

"Let these two have some time alone," Merlin said. "We'll take a taxi. Is that okay?"

"Sure," Arthur said smiling, and Merlin leaned down to kiss him. They were almost the same height, but sometimes, the fact Merlin was slightly taller than him, annoyed Arthur.

"It was a great party. Thank you." Morgana reached out to hug Arthur. Arthur's eyes widened as he'd not been expecting the hug and it was awkward. As if Morgana sensed the awkwardness, she pulled away.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay? Do you want us to take you?" Arthur began to ask but Morgana shook her head.

"I'm just freaking out a bit, you know, but don't worry."

Arthur smiled at Morgana and cupped her face. "I'm your brother. It's my job to worry."

Morgana started to cry. "God, Arthur! Please don't be nice to me. I can take anything right now but you being nice to me."

"Morgana...what's the matter?"

"I should go!" Morgana abruptly turned around and called for Leon.

Arthur looked at Morgana, feeling as if she was in terrible distress, and asked her if she was okay.

"Fine!" she yelled as she got in the car and it sped away.


In the taxi, they were all hands and mouths. Arthur was surprised that the taxi driver let them continue snogging in the back of his car as he drove the ten minutes to the cottage.

Once in their room, Arthur took his trousers off and as they hit the floor with a thunk, he remembered all the cash he had in his pockets. He was going to ask Merlin about it, but Merlin was on him, and there was no going back.

Merlin kissed with his whole body. He wrapped his legs around Arthur's waist and pulled him close. They rubbed up against each other, shirts half open, still in their boxers.

"You're so fucking sexy," Merlin said, threading his fingers through Arthur's hair. He grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him in for a deep, long kiss.

"I want you," was all Arthur managed to muster on his behalf, but it seemed to do the trick. Merlin grinned up at him, and pushed his shorts down, tackling Arthur's immediately afterwards.

Arthur kept telling himself of how long it'd been since he’d had sex, how long it'd been since he'd felt a man under him, but it had never been like this. Merlin was so sexy, Arthur could barely contain himself. He wanted to do everything with him, but started with scooting down on the bed to take Merlin in his mouth.

Merlin arched up, tugging on Arthur's hair, and panting incoherently. "Oh, Arthur, fuck..." he moaned, and his hips jerked up as he really started to fuck Arthur's mouth. He wanted it. All signs indicated he wanted this with Arthur. It had to be more than the fact that Arthur was willing to pay for it. Or maybe it was all an act? Maybe Merlin was so good at making his clients feel like it was the real thing Arthur was getting lost in it too. Buying into the false facade...

"Hey..." Merlin said, massaging Arthur's scalp, before pulling him up close and turning him around.

Before Arthur knew it, his back was pressed against the mattress and Merlin was between his legs. His erection pressed hard against Arthur's and Arthur arched up, trying to get more friction, to feel them rubbing together.

"Fuck me, Merlin..." Arthur blurted out, wanting to feel more skin, have more kisses, taste Merlin.

"What?" Merlin asked, in a small gasp.

Arthur had not known what he'd said exactly, but then he'd realised it, and wanted it. "I want you to fuck me, Merlin. If that's-that's okay with you..."

"I..." Merlin seemed to be at a loss for words and tried to read Arthur's face. Whatever he saw there seemed to confirm Arthur was being serious.

"There's condoms and lube in my things-"

Merlin looked like he was going to ask something but thought better of it.

"What is it?" Arthur asked. "You're going to say something, what is it?"

"How did you-"

"Just tell me, please."

Merlin nodded and then gave his grin again, the smile Arthur seemed to completely adore. "I was just going to ask if you planned on getting this far with Lucas."

"Oh, that," Arthur said, almost laughing. "No, I just...I figured if I packed them, then it wouldn't happen."

"But it's happening now," said Merlin.

"You're not Lucas."

"Isn't that the truth?" Merlin said. "Lucas doesn't top."

"And you do?" Arthur asked.

Merlin smiled and got up off the bed to look for the condoms and lube. When he returned, he spread Arthur's legs apart and blew a kiss on Arthur's hole. "I'm versatile," he said. "I can do whatever you want, whatever I feel like, and I'll have you any way I can, trust me."

Arthur felt it strange how in that moment, he did trust Merlin.

Merlin took his time opening Arthur up. He slid a lube-slicked finger inside him and Arthur almost recoiled until Merlin was there, reminding him to relax. "I've got you," he murmured, his hot breath on Arthur's face. He gently pushed his finger in and out of Arthur until Arthur was ready for a second, and then a third.

Merlin handed the condom to Arthur who looked at him with confusion. "Put it on me."

Arthur opened the wrapper and slid it on Merlin's cock. Then he watched as Merlin lubed his cock up and lined it up against his hole. "You're beautiful like this," Merlin said.

"Just like this?" Arthur teased.

"No, you're beautiful in every way. I’ve thought so since the second I laid my eyes on you." Merlin smiled and gently pushed in. Arthur hissed, so Merlin started to pull out, but Arthur grabbed the back of his thighs and kept him there. "You like it when it burns." It wasn't a question.

"I have a feeling I’ll like anything as long as it's with you."


When Arthur woke up in the morning, his mouth was dry, and he felt unusually warm - especially given the fact he was naked. Then, he felt Merlin's arms and legs wrapped around him and everything came back in a rush.

He'd had sex with Merlin last night.


It was good, he remembered thinking. And then when he shifted slightly, his arse hurt like hell and he remember really just how good.

Merlin stirred next to him, changing his position and taking his arm off Arthur. Arthur thought of it as the perfect opportunity to slide out of bed and run into the shower.

Once he was in the bathroom, he closed the door behind him and ran the water. By the time he was in the tub, the curtain around him, and the hot water pouring, he heard Merlin call his name.

At first, Arthur pretended he didn't hear it. But when Merlin opened the door and his voice was clear, Arthur decided not to be a complete wanker, and reply to the man.

"Hey. Good morning," he said awkwardly and then made a face. What was wrong with him? It was good that Merlin couldn't see him.

"You in there long?"

"Just got in," Arthur said.

"Mind if I join you?"

Arthur heard the smile in Merlin's voice and really, what was he going to do? Ask him if there was extra for a shag in the morning?

"I..." he started to say, when Merlin said, "Never mind."

"No. It's okay. Really. I mean, I want you to..."

Arthur shook his head at how ridiculously flustered he sounded. God, Arthur, the man fucked you, and you're pretending like it didn't mean anything. You were never the arsehole.

"First time for everything," he mumbled to himself. He pulled the shower curtain back and finding Merlin standing there - stark naked - grinning.

"Right, well then..." Arthur kept his eyes on Merlin's shoulder, forcing himself to not look anywhere else.

"Hi," Merlin said softly as he stepped into the tub and closed the curtain around them. "Fancy meeting you here."

Arthur relaxed almost immediately. He had no idea what it was about Merlin that made him do that. He noticed whenever he was stressed and if Merlin was there, he'd find a way to help Arthur relax. Sometimes it was through his casual touches, or his smile, or his sexy words, but most of the time, it was just knowing Merlin was there. There for him.

"Hi," Arthur replied and handed Merlin the bar of soap he'd just used to lather himself up.

"Do my back?" Merlin asked and his voice was so innocent Arthur almost groaned at the sexiness of it. Merlin was good at this. Good at what he was doing to Arthur.

As Arthur's hands started to roam over Merlin's back, Merlin leaned into the touch. Arthur tried to ignore how hard he was then. How he could simply close the distance between them, push his cock between Merlin's thighs, and how they could so easily rock together.

"About last night..." Arthur started when he was finished lathering up Merlin's back, and grabbed the small hand-held shower to run hot water on it and wash it. It was the least he could do, to clean Merlin, and satisfy his own desire to touch the man everywhere.


"I don't want to put a damper on the mood, but we never discussed payment for..."

Merlin immediately turned around then, and Arthur knew he'd said the wrong thing. He'd picked the wrong moment to do it.

Merlin faced Arthur and he took a small step back. He looked upset, hurt, and something else Arthur couldn't decipher-was it disappointment?

"Did you-" Merlin stopped abruptly, and ran a hand through his wet hair. Fucking hell, if he wasn't the sexiest thing Arthur had ever come across. His eyes twinkled and small drops of water fell down from his hair to his face and down his shoulders.

Arthur stupidly still carried the handheld shower, while the other shower head from the wall poured down hot water on his back. "I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry."

"I didn't do it for money," Merlin said, almost spitting out the words. "I thought you wanted me."

"I did. I do. But in your business..."

"I don't have sex with my clients for money," Merlin said. "It's not what I do. It's not what the agency told me-"

"Then why did you? Have sex with me, I mean. I mean...we...I thought you were...your business..."

"Fuck, this is why I don't..." Merlin said, shaking his head, and then pulled the shower curtain back. He stepped out of the tub and walked out of the bathroom.

"Wait, Merlin..." Arthur quickly turned the shower off and ran after him. He grabbed the towels on his way out and found Merlin standing in the middle of the room, naked, wet, and shivering.

"Please, let me explain..." Arthur said as he wrapped a towel around his waist and approached Merlin. Merlin didn't move so Arthur took that as a sign to keep approaching him. He rubbed the second towel over Merlin's body, then wrapped it around him. "You'll catch a cold like this..."

"There's still soap in my hair, and ears," Merlin said, sounding deflated.

"Let me take you back; let me take care of you."

"Get your money's worth?" Merlin spat out.

Arthur stopped himself and closed the distance between them. "I'm sorry if what I said offended you, but Merlin, you have to realise our situation. I paid you to be here, to be my boyfriend, and you work for an Escort Agency. We had sex last night. Is it not logical for me to assume you'd want to be paid for it?"

"Your contract didn't include any sexual relations clause, or is that something you discussed with Lucas over the phone?"

"No," Arthur said shaking his head. "I didn't discuss- It's not like that. God, this is getting so fucked up."

There was a knock at the door and the intruder barged right in. "Oh, you're not ready yet!" Vivienne said as she eyed the both of them looking disappointed. "Honestly, Arthur. It's your sister's wedding. Do you think you could stop having sex with you boyfriend for about a minute?"

"It's 7 o'clock, Viv," Arthur complained, "and we're not leaving until ten."

Merlin shivered in Arthur's arms again, and Arthur gave Vivienne a warning look. She raised her hands in surrender and walked out, closing the door behind her. Arthur let go of Merlin and walked up to the door to lock it.

"Come on, let's finish what we started," Arthur said. He grabbed Merlin by the arm, and returned to the bathroom. He ran the hot water then removed Merlin’s towel, and then his own, and they once again stepped under the spray.

Arthur took care of Merlin as much as he could. He lathered his back again for good measure and used a small bit of shampoo to run his fingers through Merlin's hair. As he massaged it in, Merlin moaned into Arthur's touch and Arthur's cock nearly sprang to life.

"So what happened between us was something that happens between two people that want each other?" Arthur said, rubbing Merlin's shoulders. Merlin ducked his head under the shower-head and Arthur helped him rinse it all out.

"I don't have sex with my clients, Arthur," Merlin said, not making eye contact with him. "I don't like to get paid for it. I like you. I want yo- wanted you. And thought you'd wanted me for the same reasons. Not because I was your pretend boyfriend, and someone convenient-unless I was-"

"No, of course not," Arthur said. "I just had to be sure. Can you blame me?"

Merlin grinned at him so Arthur took a step closer to Merlin and cupped the back of his neck. "Can I kiss you?" Arthur asked.

Merlin closed his eyes and nodded, so Arthur leaned in and pressed their lips together. It was a short, tentative, yet tender kiss and Arthur wanted so much more. But he was afraid to go for it.

They kissed softly under the spray of hot water as Arthur washed Merlin's back. A moment later, his hands grew bolder and they went everywhere, and Merlin only leaned into his touch so Arthur didn't pause. His soapy fingers breached in-between Merlin's arse, and he pushed a finger inside. Merlin hissed lightly but he didn't make any movements, nor did he tell Arthur to stop. So Arthur pushed in, and pulled out, and pushed in again. A minute later, he'd added another finger, and then another. Merlin's palms pressed against the tile as he pushed back onto Arthur's fingers.

"It's been a long time since I did this..." Merlin gasped out when Arthur knew he was so close, his own cock was throbbing and there was nothing more he wanted than to be inside Merlin, but they were in the shower, and there weren’t any condoms around. Did he want to step out of the bath tub again to go fetch a condom? No, he didn't.

Arthur pulled out of Merlin, and placed his hands on Merlin's shoulders. A second later, he had Merlin turned around and they were face to face. Arthur kissed him again, and he stroked Merlin's cock until he knew he wouldn't be able to take it anymore and fell to his knees. He took Merlin inside his mouth, his hands cupping Merlin's balls and sucked.

"Oh..." Merlin groaned, his hands moving into Arthur's hair and he closed his eyes. "Oh, please. Arthur."

Arthur let go of Merlin and his cock pulled out of his mouth with a pop. "Tell me what's..."

"Huh?" Merlin looked down at him, confused.

"I like it-I'd like it if you talked while I-" Arthur gave a sheepish smile. "I like talking." He did, and he'd never really admitted that to anyone. With Cenred, Arthur had wanted him to talk, or he liked talking when it was Cenred sucking him off, but Cenred made him feel stupid for all of that. He had a feeling Merlin wouldn't.

Merlin smiled and Arthur returned his attention to Merlin's prick. He licked the head and Merlin all but shuddered. "Been a while since I've had somebody inside me..." Merlin said, and Arthur pushed his tongue against the slit - really going to town on Merlin's cock. "God, baby. So good..." Merlin said.

"You like to top?" Arthur asked, not taking his eyes off Merlin's cock as he grabbed the base and then wrapped his mouth around it again.

"Mostly, but, just been some time since sex. Since I've been with anyone. You're so...fucking good with that..."

Arthur's soapy fingers found their way back to Merlin's hole and he teased Merlin as he continued to suck him off.

Merlin's words were mostly incoherent now, and he was bucking his hips, giving it good.

It didn't take much longer after that for Merlin to come and as he did, Arthur let go of him. Merlin's come sputtered all over Arthur's chest and Arthur looked up at Merlin, his eyes wild. "Fuck, that was sexy," Merlin mumbled.

"Yeah?" Arthur asked. "What will you have me do?"

"Stay there," Merlin said, pushing down on Arthur's shoulders when he'd tried to get up. "Touch yourself. I want to watch you...get off."

So Arthur did. He didn't take his eyes off Merlin as he wrapped his hand around his erection and stroked himself. Merlin's eyes were darting back and forth between Arthur's face and his cock, and then back to Arthur's face again. He looked like he couldn't decide which he wanted to watch more.

When Arthur was close, he tilted his head back and rested it against the wall behind him and closed his eyes. He came biting his lower lip, and wishing he could moan Merlin's name as Merlin had moaned Arthur's when he'd come. He wished he could ask Merlin to be his.


Uther assured them they were going to make it to River City in record time. Most likely because Uther had hired drivers and no one in the family had to fuss over the responsibility.

Arthur and Merlin, along with Morgana, Leon, Gwaine, and Gwen were in one of the SUV limos while Uther shared his car with Vivienne, Cenred, and a few others. Arthur supposed he should have thanked his father for making sure Cenred was not in the same car with him, since Uther all but hated Cenred, and Arthur couldn't even imagine what it was like for him to share his space with Arthur's ex.

Gwaine eyed Merlin the entire time they were in the car. It didn't help they were all mostly sitting facing each other and Morgana and Leon seemed to be lost in their own world.

"Why hasn't Lance joined us yet?" Arthur asked Gwen, grabbing Merlin's hand and squeezing it. He wanted to distract Gwaine from whatever he was thinking or going to say to Merlin. This wasn't the place for it.

"He has to work late," she said with a smile. "So he'll be driving up on his own with his partner."

"Percy?" Gwaine asked, turning his attention from Merlin to Gwen.

"That got your attention, did it?" Morgana teased. She looked at Arthur and winked, as if she knew something he didn't. Or like they shared a secret, although Arthur was lost as to what it could be.

"Who is Percy?" Merlin asked.

"I didn't know he was coming to the wedding," Gwaine said, ignoring everyone else, and keeping his eyes on Gwen.

Arthur wrapped his arm around Merlin's shoulders and pulled him close. "Good, this will keep him busy for a while," he whispered in Merlin's ear, and Merlin visibly shivered. He turned to look at Arthur, who caught his lips and they briefly kissed. When Arthur pulled away, he continued talking. "Percy is someone we know from our school days. His family had moved away when we were about fifteen and Gwaine was all but heartbroken over it. He moved back to Camelot a few years ago and started working private security. Gwaine's been dancing around in circles rather than actually calling him up. So now he's going to come to the wedding-"

"Who invited him?" Merlin asked, his lips ghosting over Arthur's.

"I think Morgana did. She needed a reason for Percy to come to the wedding, and what better way than to be the one who gets Lance there? That's why she insisted all her bridesmaids to travel together. Even though it would have been okay for her and Lance to arrive a few hours after us."

"She's a sneaky one," Merlin said.

"You have no idea," Arthur replied.

Merlin gave Arthur a small smile, as if he was apologising for something, but Arthur had no idea for what. "Yeah, I think I do," he said to Arthur and then settled into him, resting his head on Arthur's shoulder.

When Arthur looked over to his side, he found both Morgana and Leon watching them. Leon gave him a quick wink and Morgana looked as if she were going to burst into tears at any moment.

He hoped she didn't.READ CHAPTER THREE

story: the wedding date remix, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: nc-17, community: reel_merlin

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