Draco's Creature (Christmas Challenge for dracoharry100)

Dec 31, 2013 01:04

Title: Draco's Creature
Author: digthewriter
Word count: ~850
Characters/pairings: Harry, Draco
Challenge: Christmas Challenge 13 for dracoharry100 26-Stockings / 28-Ice-skating / 31-Imbibing a few too many glasses of Christmas spirits
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of the Harry Potter universe. This little piece of fiction is written for fun. No profit is being made.
Author's Notes: Utterly unbetaed. THE END of the Verse: In Dreams / Catch up from part one (Read Part 24)

Harry said goodbye to Draco with a kiss as he Apparated home to rest for the night, and prepare for the next day.

He had no idea how he was supposed to behave around Draco at the Burrow. He'd gone from feeling completely ignored, to being kissed, and being made feel wanted in such a short time, his head was still spinning with it all. They were supposed to meet at the Burrow later, and even take the Weasley children and Teddy ice-skating.

Regardless of how confused he was, Harry couldn't deny that waking up next to Draco and seeing the Christmas stockings hung with his and Teddy's name by the fire was a feeling he didn't wish to let go of. It was good to know that the man he had feelings for, not only reciprocated them, but also cared for Teddy.

Harry changed out of his clothes and made himself comfortable in his bed. Wishing that Draco were there with him. He wondered if he was going to see Draco in his dreams.

Harry was running through the woods again as he came across a pond and saw the blond figure that had been haunting him. He felt a rush of relief inside him and wish to change out of his Animagus form to talk to him. To talk to Draco. But he knew that the moment he'd change, he would be naked. If only he could have met Draco in his human form in the dreams!

Harry growled and the blond figure turned. Draco smiled at Harry and walked up to him. Without a word, he began to pet Harry.

"I was hoping to see you," Draco said and Harry leaned into Draco's warmth.

Harry tried to talk to Draco, but he could only growl. He moved his head, gesturing for Draco to follow him. He wanted to go back into the house and change. Draco nodded as though he understood, and Harry turned and started to run.

Harry was fast again, and Draco was right next to him. It wasn't "like flying" for Draco, for him to keep up with Harry. Draco was flying.

What did that mean?

Draco had wings. Was he a Veela or was he too, a creature? Was this what the dream was supposed to mean? Was Harry going to help Draco realise his Animagus? Did Draco even want that?

A million questions popped in Harry's mind as he ran, and Draco, he was right there with him. He looked in shock too. Like, he didn't know he could fly!

They reached the house, and Draco opened the door for Harry. Harry turned to his human self and immediately wrapped the blanket around him.

"You were..."

"Flying!" Draco said, surprised and delighted.

"That's incredible!"

"I reckon I've just been imbibing a few too many glasses of Christmas spirits," Draco joked.

Then Harry woke up. It was morning, and he rushed to the Floo, only to find Draco already trying to contact him.

"Did you...?" Harry began to ask.

"Yeah. That was..."

"It was."

"Can I come through," Draco asked, and Harry nodded. A moment later, Draco was in his pyjamas standing in front of Harry and he swept Harry up in his arms as he kissed him.

"I think it means you can fly," Harry said as soon as Draco let go of him.

"Without a broom," Draco added, playfully. Harry rolled his eyes. "What did I look like?"

Harry sat on the sofa and thought about it for a moment. "It was like, you still were you, but with wings. Like--never mind."

"Like what?"

"Like a Stallion with wings...like...Pegasus." Harry could feel his face turning red. He waited for Draco to mock him.

"From Muggle Mythology?" Draco asked and Harry nodded. Draco made a sound as though he were seriously considering it. "That wouldn't be so bad. It'd be a step above--"

"Above me?" Harry asked, scowling.

"Well, if I am going to try Transfiguration and have a mythological Animagus. It best be better than yours."

"I'm an Animagus because of Teddy!"

"And I'm second. So all the better reason--"

"You're unbelievable!"

"I know. That's why you like me." Draco smirked and crossed his arms. "Don't you?"

Harry frowned for a moment then grinned. "That may be the truth," he said and stood up from the sofa.

Draco pulled Harry in for a kiss again and Harry easily gave in. He reckoned there was no use fighting it.

"Wait," Draco said, pulling back.


"We didn't have the dream when you were over--and we were sleeping next to each other."

"Yeah, you're right!" Harry said, wondering the meaning behind that mystery.

"What do you think that means?"

"If it's all the same to you, Draco," Harry said, tugging on Draco's pyjama shirt. "I'd like to explore one mystery per day."

Draco laughed. "Maybe it means that we should sleep together a lot more..."

"Only you would think that," Harry said, shaking his head.

"Please, like you haven't thought about it."

Of course, Harry had.


community: dracoharry100, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/draco, series: in dreams

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