Being Friends on Livejournal

Jan 23, 2017 13:46

I'm slightly freaking out about this.

I just realized that a couple of days ago and it's still happening - that peopele on lj are adding me as friends but I've not added them back. This has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that LJ is not sending out NOTIFICATIONS about this. WHAT?????

The other day I was like "Oh, I'm not friends w/ A, I think I am going to add them," only to discover that I went on A's page and it said "A lists you as a friend" and I was like WTF? I went through all my email and notification and I never got a notif that A added me as a friend. And then I found that all these people that were commenting on my LJ posts have LISTED me as a friend and I've not FRIENDED THEM BACK!!!

So dearest people, new people, if you added me, please know I'm not actually a douche that I've not added you back, I've just literally not been notified. Please feel free to comment here or email me at digthewriter @ gmail . com to let me know. "YO DIG, why you gotta be such a snob?"

I'm really very sorry, please tell me you friended me, so I can return the favour.


I would make this post f-locked but then you know - you can't see it. (I crack myself up).

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about: livejournal, about: wtf dude

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