Step Three: Bicker Like An Old Married Couple

Dec 04, 2016 01:15

Title: Step Three: Bicker Like An Old Married Couple
Author: digthewriter
Word Count:~310
Rating: PG
Prompt: Early bird prompt slythindor100, IMG: Holiday Ornaments and dracoharry100 prompt: Hogwarts at Christmas. And December prompt for hd_fluff: Yule Ball.
Warning: EWE. Auror Training Academy. Made up stuff. Pretend Relationship.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: This story is going to be called "Nothing Ventured. Nothing Gained." Each chapter is going to have a unique title but it'll all be part of one big story. I hope! AO3 link for all chapters in a row!

1. ( The Proposal)
2. ( Step One: Pretending to Hide)
3. ( Step Two: Making The Most Of It)

When Malfoy decided that Harry wasn't going to tell him who "everyone" was (mainly: him), he moved on.

"Tomorrow, they are doing a photoshoot at the Ministry for all the Auror-cadets," he said.

Harry raised an eyebrow; he'd not heard about this and wondered if this was something Malfoy was just making up.

"We'll go in the morning. We should get our picture taken together. There will be a big tree set up and we'll have to pick out our ornaments."

"For what?"

Malfoy seemed to be utterly frustrated with him again. Good. At least now he knows I won't just roll over and do whatever he wants to make his ex-boyfriend jealous. He patiently waited for Malfoy to continue, silently hating Sebastian more by the minute. Still, he was glad it wasn't Sebastian who was doing this with Malfoy.

"If we get our pictures taken early then they will be floating around our ornament at the holiday party." Harry gave him a blank look. "Honestly, Potter, did you hear anything I'd said before. We can go and pick our ornaments, our names will be on them. And then when we arrive to the holiday party, our picture and ornaments will be there for everyone to see. People will know that we planned on going together. That we're an item."

"Hmm..." Harry mused. "That's a good idea." It really was. It sounded all romantic and they didn't have anything like this during the Yule Ball at Hogwarts.

"I know!"

"What time tomorrow?"

"Why? You have plans?"

"I do," Harry lied. Then he quickly remembered something that he was supposed to be doing. "I need to go to the owlery and send my holiday shopping order. I need to make sure I have all the presents for the Weasleys. I can't delay it any longer."

"Potter, you still haven't done your Christmas shopping?" Malfoy gaped at him. Step Four: don't admit to being a stalker

community: dracoharry100, community: hd_fluff, story: nothing ventured (nothing gained), community: adventdrabbles, community: slythindor100, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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