Title: The Bookshop, Part Two
Author / Artist:
digthewriterPrompt: Try Me for
draco100Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Warnings: NA. EWE. POST WAR
Notes: Unbeated. Read
PART ONE HERE Why would she do this to him?
"What are your three favourite restaurants?"
Draco all but threw the note at Potter’s head and walked out of the bookshop.
"Malfoy, wait!" Potter came chasing after him. "I didn't get to tell you…"
"Don't even try me, Potter," Draco snapped. "It was clearly a joke and..."
"I want to have dinner with you," Potter said.
"Dinner. You and me, Malfoy. What do you say?"
"Piss off, Potter," said Draco.
"Merlin. Save a bloke’s life and get snarled at in return," Potter mumbled, walking away. "For the record, I like Italian food."