More Interruptions - Charlie/Neville

Jun 09, 2016 15:50

Title: More Interruptions
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100x2
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU/EWE. Background: Harry/Draco. Hogwarts!Professors
Challenge: Fight or Flight - PROMPT 332 for
A/N: Part 28 of " Fantastic Beasts" Story. [AO3 LINK is good for catching up]

Just when Charlie's hands started to travel up Neville's chest and he'd pinched Neville's right nipple, there was a knock on the door. His hands froze on Neville's body and Neville also immediately stiffened.

With his eyes wide, Neville managed to mumble out, "Are you expecting someone?"

Charlie shook his head. He backed away from Neville and Neville immediately sat up. His fight or flight instinct kicked in and he wondered if Charlie would judge him as he placed a disillusionment charm on himself and ran.

"I'll go and check," Charlie said, when the knock repeated. Neville was glad to see he at least looked annoyed. It wasn't just Neville who had been enjoying himself on Charlie's sofa and hoped whoever it was, would just leave soon so they could go back to exploring each other.

Neville nodded and did the only logical thing he could think of. He went to hide in the loo.

Unfortunately for him, his erection was still evident and throbbing. Gods, now he was simply regretting not taking off with Charlie when they'd had the plan to escape to Hogsmeade. They would have easily rented a room and had the night to themselves by now. NEXT PART

community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, series: fantastic beasts, rating: pg-13

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