Neville/Charlie - "New Plan"

May 12, 2016 22:17

Title: New Plan
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU/EWE. Background: Harry/Draco. Hogwarts!Professors
Challenge: Prompt 330 for
A/N: Part 26 of " Fantastic Beasts" Story. Part 25 here. Part 1 here. (AO3 LINK HERE). Also written for prompt: with the lights out for hp_may_madness

Neville threw his head back and laughed; he almost couldn’t help himself. Earlier that day when Charlie had approached him, he’d accused Neville of avoiding him. Now it was Charlie who was avoiding taking the next step with Neville.

“What’s so funny?” Charlie asked, looking confused.

Neville shook his head. “I realise you have to be gentle, given you teach students how to care for magical creatures, but you don’t have to be so soft with me.”

“I…” Charlie’s cheeks reddened as if he concluded maybe he was being a bit too careful with Neville. “I don’t want to rush into something-”

“I’m here,” Neville said, gesturing to how he was sitting in Charlie’s lap, his thigh awkwardly pressing against Charlie’s erection, “and I don’t plan on leaving. I want to be with you tonight when the lights go out.”

“You’re sure?” Charlie asked, still sounding worried.

“Tell you what,” Neville said, straddling Charlie’s lap with his hands threading through Charlie’s hair. “Why don’t we go to Rosmerta’s? We can book a room and spend the night.”

Neville thought it was probably a better plan, anyway. This way, he could avoid running into students in the morning, and all awkwardness.

next part

community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, series: fantastic beasts, rating: pg-13, community: hp_may_madness

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