My thoughts on Harry (and Draco)

Apr 07, 2016 20:11

Disclaimer: These are my opinions and mine only.

Feel free to ignore.

I realized today (just from walking home from work) that I have a huge problem with Harry being characterized as a person who chooses to leave Draco and marry Ginny because she can give him kids and a family. At first I thought I was projecting, maybe, but then I was like, "no, I'm not."

In my head, I just don't see Harry as being that...what's the word...shallow? There were plenty of times he could have been dark but wasn't. There were plenty of times he could have taken the easy road, but didn't.

He was Dumbledore's man. Through and through.

(Sure, he’s not the most perfect character. He was just a boy and did what he did.)

Also when the series ended, it was 1998. I mean, that's the kind of mentality a person has in what... like 1898?

At the brink of the early twenty first century, already being adopted by a huge family like the Weasleys, would Harry have really cared that his (future) family would be someone that'd be related by blood?

Blood does not make one family.

He was Sirius's godson, Teddy's godfather, and (in a weird way) loved and protected by Snape. In canon marrying into the Weasley and having three kids was a bonus, but if he were gay, and married a man (like Draco Malfoy), he could easily adopt. He was already a part of a big family and he wouldn’t be against spreading love and taking in someone who needed a family, too.

(Of course, Draco Malfoy on the other hand - I totally I guess can see him leaving Harry and marrying Astoria b/c of Pureblood traditions - but at the end of the war and having grown major morality balls, in my head, Draco really wouldn’t do that, either).

The war was about the end of Pureblood prejudice and almost like staring a brave new world and all that so would Draco really give into the expectations of being a Malfoy? And in a similar way, Harry wouldn’t “leave” Draco to “be with” Ginny because she can “give him” a family is a pure crock of shit.

Anyway, my point is, that characterization of Harry really pisses me off. Of course, I can TOTALLY see and like stories where he marries Ginny, has kids, and years later realizes he’s gay because lots of people date the opposite sex, or marry them and realize that they swing the other way later in life (it happened to me). My GF is the goldstar lesbian, not I. I kissed plenty of cisgender male frogs to eventually come to terms with the fact that it wasn’t my cup of tea.

Anyway, it’s only fanfiction and it doesn’t matter, but I just really really really really disagree with that characterization of a hero. He wouldn’t chicken out and leave Draco to play house with a woman. It downright pisses me the fuck off.

about: dig is rambling & makes no sense, about: dig quotes anais nin, about: dig should be writing instead

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