Title: Interruptions
digthewriterPairing: Neville/Charlie; background: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU/EWE
Challenge: PROMPT 323 for
neville100: Be Mine
A/N: Continuation of
series "(Fantastic Beasts) Neville knows where to find them" - Best way to catch up is on
Part 18 here + Read part 19 below
Finally, dinner was over and Harry walked over to Neville. "Hey, Nev. Do you want to come by for a drink later. We can--"
"I can't tonight, I've got...something," Neville said and realised that he might have answered far too hastily.
"Are you quite all right, Professor Longbottom?" Draco asked and Harry rolled his eyes.
"Fine," Neville said, after he took a deep breath. "Just have something to do. Tomorrow?"
Harry nodded shared a looked with Draco. Brilliant, they were going to find out if Neville didn't get out of there. He might as well just hold up a sign that said, I have a date with Charlie Weasley. I want him to be mine.
He tried not to rush back to his chambers to change. But he did. If anyone saw him on the way, they'd know something was wrong. Except, nothing was wrong, Neville was just ridiculously nervous. He had a bloody date with Charlie Bloody Weasley, and he was freaking the fuck out.
A knock on the door startled him. He wasn't expecting anyone. When he opened it, he saw Draco standing there. "Hi, Draco. Need something?"
"Neville, I must speak with you immediately. It's serious."