Masterlist of Harry/Draco Stories: 2015 [Word Count: 164K]

Jan 27, 2016 11:27

Now that all the reveals are up for all the fests from 2015, below is my list of all my "Harry/Draco" stories for 2015. Drabbles, ficlets, and long fics.

Longest Story: "My Life As A Butterfly" ( lj / ao3) Word Count: 22,300 written for bottom_draco which is also my third longest story written EVER.

Total numbers of HD fictional pieces written: 61
Total Word Count for HARRY/DRACO stories for 2015: 164,400 --> This basically means that ~50% of my stories written in 2015 were Harry/Draco and the rest were multiple ships (and Merlin fandom).

MASTERLIST OF HARRY DRACO STORIES 2015 [the post was too big for LIVEJOURNAL so it's on Dreamwidth]

My 2015 HARRY/DRACO art masterlist is here but I haven't completely updated it just yet.

masterlist, year: 2015, pairing: harry/draco, about: writing, -final word count

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