The New Year's Eve Disaster [Harry/Draco - NC-17]

Jan 04, 2016 16:36

Title: The New Year's Eve Disaster
Author: digthewriter
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3750
Challenge: slythindor100 prompt 189
Warnings: Bottom!Harry
A/N: This is an epilogue of sorts for THE DATING GAME that was written from 1st of Dec to 25th of Dec on slythindor100, you don't have to read that story to read this one, but it'd be nice :)

It's totally unbetaed so feel free to point out any glaring typos via PM.

[click here for prompt image]

Draco arrived at Harry's place right on time. Naturally, Harry was running late.

"Are you ever on time for anything?" Draco asked, laughing as he helped Harry fix his tie. Harry just watched his face as Draco concentrated. He wanted to lean in and kiss Draco but he didn't want to make them later than they were already doing to be.

"To work," Harry said. "I always show up to work on time, my reports are submitted on time, so I'm allowed to be late for other things from time to time." He looked at Draco and winked as Draco shook his head.

"Is this party at the Burrow?" Draco asked as Harry put on his suit jacket and tried to read the expression on Draco's face.

They'd seen each other a handful of times now, since their date on Christmas Eve and there had been some...tension. Well, at least from Harry, anyway. He'd told Draco he wanted to wait for them to have sex but waiting had been difficult. Even if it'd only been a week and things were looking promising.

There had been holding hands. Especially in front of Teddy, and their entire family and some friends already knew they were together, even if they didn't really discuss it. If Harry was with Hermione and they discussed an event three months into the future, she'd bring Draco up in the conversation as if she wanted to make sure he'd be there. Even Mrs Malfoy had owlled him, asking for his plans for a random wizarding holiday in February he'd never even heard of, and saying if he was going to come over for dinner that night. When he'd asked Hermione about the holiday, she'd said it was a Pureblood thing.

More than holding hands, there had been kissing. A lot of kissing. Especially if the hellos and goodbyes were done privately before seeing other people. Then, there'd been the touching. At first, it was harmless. Draco would place his hand on Harry's knee as they sat on the sofa in Andromeda's living room and talked. At dinner, his hand would slide up Harry's thigh. Being a good Auror, Harry was able to mask his surprise from others at the table, and he couldn't tell if Draco wanted such attention in return.

Two nights ago, Harry had walked Draco back to the manor again, and this time, had entered the gates but opted to say goodbye before the grand door. As they kissed good night, Harry pushed Draco against the wall by the door and his hands travelled up Draco's shirt while he pressed their hips together. He was hard, and he could tell Draco was hard, but neither one of them was taking it further than that.

Or so Harry had thought until he'd make another move and Draco would welcome it. He had started to forget why they'd made some pact about not having sex until New Year's, because it was clear Draco had wanted it just as much as Harry.

As they'd parted and Harry created a bit of distance between them, he brushed his thumb over Draco's lip and had whispered a, "I'll miss you."

Draco had leaned into the touch and whispered, "Thank you."

"For what?"

Draco'd bit his lip before he spoke. "I'll have new meaningful moments to think about as I touch myself tonight."

"You're killing me Draco," Harry'd said with a low groan in his voice.

"Not as much as you're killing me."

All of that was ending tonight, Harry thought. "No, it's not at the Burrow. Hermione and Ginny have rented some sort of a hall that would accommodate all of our friends. It was easier that way, than to have to clean up after having fifty people over."

"That's a good plan," Draco said with a smile.

"What are you thinking?" Harry asked, finding himself getting turned on by Draco's mischievous smile.

Draco's expression changed into mock-offence. "Why must you think I'm thinking anything? I was just wondering if there were going to be formalities if we left the party early, for you know, our own celebrations."

Harry grinned and pulled Draco in for another kiss. He heard the whoosh of the Floo but couldn't fathom who'd be calling now. Everyone was supposed to be at the party.

"Mate, we've got an emergency," Ron said, barging into Harry's room, clearly having no qualms about his privacy. "Good, you're both here."

"Ron!" Harry protested.

"Weasley, you really need to learn how to knock when entering someone's private room," Draco said.

"Scold me later," Ron said, looking scared. Harry was about to ask what the matter was when Ron started talking again. "The hall where we were going to have the party overbooked and the other group showed up twenty minutes before us. We don't have a place to hold the party."

"So what are we going to do?" Harry asked, knowing where this was going. "I don't have any food or drinks-"

"We've got all of that. Downstairs. Hermione's already working on an extension charm for the kitchen-"

Harry groaned, and this time, not for the same good reasons. "Ron-"

Draco chimed in, "Have the party here? You can't possibly-"

"Do you want to go downstairs and tell my pissed off sister, and my equally pissed off wife they can't host the party here?" Ron asked folding his arms.

Draco turned to look at Harry with a serious expression. "You live here."

Harry shook his head. "You wanted an early night," Harry countered.

Draco grumbled and wrinkled his nose and Harry thought it was absolutely adorable. "This is going to be a disaster," he said.

Almost on cue, both Harry and Ron replied with, "Welcome to my life, Malfoy."

Harry looked at Ron and started to laugh as Ron did the same. He walked up to Ron and patted him on the shoulder. "Let's go and get things set up."

"You mean get yelled at about how we're doing everything wrong," Ron said.

"Exactly," Harry replied. "He looked back at Draco who seemed to be stunned silent, standing in Harry's bedroom. You can relax here, Draco, and come downstairs when you're ready."

Draco didn't wait in the bedroom for long as Harry walked downstairs with Ron. His arm was around Ron's shoulders when Draco started to walk in-step with them, holding Harry's hand. Harry squeezed it lightly, and he smiled.

So much for ducking out of the party early.


Out of the fifty or so people that were originally invited for the New Year's eve party, only about half of them actually showed up. Harry was glad, he didn't have the patience to host and chatter around with every single one of them.

Half way through, he crashed on the sofa with Draco next to him. Much to Harry's surprise, Draco was having fun. He didn't know why he was actually surprised by that, Draco had made friends with everyone in his department at the Ministry and was always invited to post-work social events. If anyone were to ask, if would only seem as though the party was hosted by Ginny and Hermione, and the social entertainment had been Draco.

"I told you it was going to be all right," Ron said as he sat on the other side of Harry.

"I'm surprised Theo is here," Draco said, resting his head on Harry's shoulder. His hand was on Harry's knee and Harry started to think of all the other times, Draco had done that. He'd been so casual about it, almost as if they'd always been this comfortable with each other. He liked it.

"Ginny invited him," Ron said before Harry could answer.

"Yes, and that's the strangest thing. I didn't know those two-"

"Yeah, I think she was afraid what Mum would say-"

"Why would she be- Oh right. Never mind," Draco said and Harry felt him stiffen next to him. Harry reached his arm across and wrapped it around Draco, hoping it'd comfort him.

"I think it'll be a while before she brings him around to meet the family," Harry said when the silence between the three of them had lingered on for too long.

"Mum's not going to care. If he makes her happy, that's all that's going to matter." Ron looked directly at Harry as he said the words and Harry nodded.

"I know," Harry said softly and turned to kiss the top of Draco's head.

"Is everyone at this party part of a pair?" Padma came by and flopped next to Draco on the sofa. Draco shifted towards Harry to make more room for her and Harry loved the feeling of being pressed so closely to him.

Harry looked at Padma and then followed her gaze to where she'd been glaring. In the corner, darkened by the shadow of the Christmas tree, were Charlie and Neville, snogging. Harry laughed to himself because not a lot of people saw the pair in a relaxed setting because if they were out together, Charlie was almost always all over Neville.

Charlie's days were filled with dragons as he travelled all around Easter Europe, and Neville mostly resided at Hogwarts. During the holidays, they were inseparable. It was probably Neville's idea to go to the party and now everyone was suffering because of it. They were the most adored and envied unmarried couple. Harry had to say that; if he'd just say "envied couple," Hermione and Ron would take offence.

"Dean is single," Ron said.

"Cho brought her cousin, Lucas," Draco said.

"I hear Lavender just broke up with her girlfriend," Harry added. "In case, you know..." He felt Draco chuckle next to him as Padma glared at all three of them.

"Whatever, I need more champagne," she said.

"I'm on it," Ron said as he stood up and went off into the kitchen.

"He's not going to come back, is he?" she asked.

"No, I don't think so," Harry said, giving her an apologetic look. "I'll fetch you a glass. Do you want one, Draco?"

"Sure," Draco said, looking up at Harry, looking tired.

Harry nodded and walked away. Thirty more minutes until midnight and then hopefully people would start leaving soon after that. When he returned, Draco and Padma seemed deep in conversation so he just dropped off their drinks and a few snacks on a plate for Draco before he went off to chat with Neville. Charlie wasn't there so Harry figured this was a good time as any to catch up with him.

"You and Malfoy seem comfortable," Neville remarked, pointed at Draco who had just laughed at something Padma had said.

Harry smiled and he could feel himself blush but didn't say anything.

Neville just shook his head and dropped the subject. "Sorry if Charlie and I aren't socialising much. You know how-"

"It's quite alright, Neville," Harry said, placing a hand on Neville's shoulder. "It's a party. If you want to hide behind my Christmas tree and snog, it's what you should do. Trust me, if I could-"

"You really like him?" Neville asked.

"Yeah. I really do."

"That's good. He seems comfortable around you too. I think it's good," he said smiling and shrugged. "Just make sure it doesn't end up being a long distance relationship," he added laughing.

"Ready?" Charlie said as he came around Neville and handed him his travelling cloak.

"You two are off?" Harry asked, not surprised. And feeling jealous.

"Yeah. I made us a reservation at the Royale and we're going to spend some time alone before we have to show up at Mum's for breakfast."

Harry nodded, understanding completely. "Of course. Have a good night and a Happy New Year."

"Thanks, Harry. Happy New Year," both Neville and Charlie said as they were off to see Hermione and Ginny before leaving.


Finally, it was midnight.

Champagnes popped; everyone cheered, and sang, and kissed. Harry pulled Draco close as he took advantage of the shadowed spot where Neville and Charlie had been before, and kissed him deep. He didn't care anymore. He had half a mind to take Draco's hand and drag him up the stairs and lock the bedroom door behind him. He didn't care what they'd do. Even if they were both exhausted and all they would do was sleep, Harry just wanted to be alone with Draco.

"Just a bit more," Draco said, patiently, clearly having read Harry's mind. As they turned around together, Harry wrapping his arms around Draco's waist, they took in the room.

Padma was in the corner speaking to Lucas, Cho's cousin, and Dean was chatting up with Parvati. Everyone seemed content. They also looked like they weren't leaving any time soon.

"When I'd thought seeing you would make my social calendar busy, I really didn't think it would be this busy," Draco whispered in Harry's ear as they stayed in the corner, backs pressed against the wall, and holding hands.

"I know. I'm sorry."

Draco laughed and squeezed Harry's hand. "It's fine. It's nice your friends can rely on you for a last minute party hosting to save a disaster."

"Yeah. But we're definitely going to have to set up some ground rules from now on," Harry said with all the seriousness he could muster, to which, Draco laughed again.

It was two o'clock when the last of the party guests were finally leaving. As a thank you, Hermione spelled Harry's kitchen, the guest bathroom, and the sitting room clean. She placed all the leftover alcohol in Harry's ice-box and also offered to return the next day to make sure she hadn't missed anything.

"It's New Year's Day, Hermione. Don't come back tomorrow," Harry said, giving her a hug before Ron and Hermione stepped into the Floo. Ginny had left with Nott thirty minutes before.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yes. Please. Go," Harry said, all but pushing his friends into the fireplace.

When he turned around, Draco was on the sofa, his head tilted back, and his eyes closed.

Feeling bad for having dragged Draco into this mess, Harry walked up to the sofa and knelt down. "Draco," he said softly, running his hand through Draco's hair.

"Hmm?" Draco said, keeping his eyes closed.

"It's time for bed," he said, caressing Draco's cheek.

Draco made a protesting sound and curled up on the sofa. "I'll just sleep here, Potter."

Harry laughed to himself and then placed his hand in Draco's. "Come on, or I can carry you, if you'd like."

Draco begrudgingly got up and allowed Harry to lead him to the bedroom. He didn't question the fact that Harry was taking him to his bedroom. "My travelling bag..."

"I brought it up. Here," Harry said placing the bag on the bed next to Draco as he sat down. "I'll go and take a shower, and you can get settled in, okay?"

Draco nodded obediently and he looked up at Harry, eyes wide open, and expectant. Harry leaned down and kissed Draco gently. "Thanks for everything tonight," Harry said.

Draco only smiled in return and then started to go through his bag as Harry left the room and headed off to shower.


Harry hung his head low under the shower head and allowed the hot water to soak him through. It felt good. He wanted to turn up the valve higher for more hot water because he really did feel sore all over. He hadn't hosted a party in so long, and on top of that, he hadn't had a date for a party in so long-he felt like he'd been pulled in every direction.

He grabbed for the soap and started to lather himself up when he heard the door open and then close. He turned to look, the mist from the hot water had fogged up the glass so he turned the water down and then wiped the glass with his hand. Draco stood on the other side, and from what he could tell, naked.

"Hi," Harry said. He didn't have his glasses on, obviously, so he couldn't tell what the expression on Draco's face was. "Do you want to come in?"

Draco approached the glass and Harry opened the door for him. In two quick steps, he hopped in, and Harry closed the shower door again.

"Hi," Draco said.

They stood there, staring at each other. Harry wanted to take advantage of the situation, look Draco up and down but he resisted. Best to simply stare into his eyes for the moment.

"I hope this is okay," Draco said.

"Of course," Harry said, turning around to increase the water pressure once more. "Glad you're here," he added, facing Draco again and then pulling him close.

"The idea of you here; I couldn't resist."

"I'm not complaining," Harry said and kissed Draco. He handed the bar of soap to Draco and turned around again. "Want to get me ready?" He glanced a quick look at Draco from over his shoulder and saw Draco was definitely taking advantage of the situation. Harry didn't mind, though. If Draco looked at him like that, he could look at him all he wanted.

Draco started with Harry's neck and worked his way down. Instead of washing his back, he was more massaging Harry. He rubbed Harry's shoulders and pulled him close as Harry's arse brushed against Draco's erection. He let out a small gasp right before Draco pulled back but then his fingers teased Harry's hole.

Harry pushed back against Draco's fingers, encouraging him. At first, Draco was tentative, and gentle. But it didn't take him long to push in a finger, in and out, until one finger became two. Then three.

Harry's head hung low again as the water poured over him, and Draco behind him, fucking his with his fingers. It was late, or maybe it was too early for New Year's day, but Harry didn't care. The stress of leaving his body and a new form of tension was building all over. He loved it. He knew he could come right then and there, just from Draco fucking him like that; without him laying a hand to himself.

Before Harry knew it was happening, Draco pulled out his fingers and turned Harry around. He pushed Harry against the shower wall, his legs part, and Draco settled in-between them. They fit so well together, Harry thought. Draco kissed him, his hands roaming all over Harry's body as Harry placed his hands on Draco's arse and squeezed.

"God, Draco," Harry moaned when Draco found a spot on Harry's neck, just above his collarbone and sucked. He'd also wrapped his hand around their erection and started to stroke them together. The soap had fallen on the floor, forgotten, as the precome was enough to slick Draco's movements.

"Come with me, Harry," Draco said, his other hand reaching up to grab the back of Harry's neck and pulling him in for a bruising kiss.

With the intensity of the moment, the heat within them, and around them because of the hot water, it didn't take Harry long to spill himself all over Draco's hand. Draco came shortly after and they both stood there, panting, breathing in the hot misty air, in between their lingering kissing. It was perfection.

"I could get used to this," Harry mumbled against Draco's lips before he bent down to pick up the soap.

They showered together in comfortable silence and Harry truly felt as though he couldn't get enough of kissing Draco. Now, he was glad they'd waited. Even though, they really hadn't waited all that long. The night had been perfect. Crazy, but perfect and then what Draco did. Coming into the shower the way he did, fucking Harry with his fingers, and then the two of coming together, it was possibly some of the best sex Harry'd ever had and it was only the beginning.

Harry got out of the shower first. He quickly dried his hair and then tossed a clean towel to Draco. He rested against the door as he watched Draco towel dry himself. It was absolutely flawless. Perhaps Draco knew he was putting on a show so he took his time, teasing Harry, and Harry struggled to remain stoic.


When they returned to the bedroom, Draco looked hesitant.

"What is it?" Harry asked, concerned; unsure if he'd done something or if Draco was just nervous because now they'd taken this to another level.

"I..." Draco sighed, running a hand through his mostly dry hair. "I did something, I mean, I brought something I thought would be funny but now, I'm just..."

"What is it, Draco?" Harry asked, bordering on impatience.

"Weasley gave me this gift. It's dumb, really..."

"Oh, Merlin, no!" Harry said and covered his face with his hand. "Please don't tell me."

"What?" Draco said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Are they a pair of rainbow pants?" Harry said, almost in disbelief, hoping it weren't the case.

"How did you know?" Draco asked but Harry didn't respond. "He said I should wear them on my date with you and well, he thought it was really funny, and then I brought them as a joke. But now..."

"Are those the only pair you brought?" Harry asked, and Draco nodded. Harry threw his head back and laughed in amazement. He reached over and under the bedside table and brought out a small bag. "Open it." When Draco opened the bag, his eyes widened as he was now holding the pair of rainbow pants Ron had given him. "He's a wanker. He's my best friend. But he's a bloody wanker."

"Were you going to wear them?" Draco asked.

"I was thinking about it," Harry said, "but I just couldn't..."

Draco joined him as they both laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.

Harry pushed his bag on the floor, and then picked up Draco's travelling bag and placed it next to the bedside table. "I don't think we are in any needs of pants in bed tonight," he said, and drew Draco closer to him on the bed as he placed the covers on them. "We're past those formalities, I believe."

"Perhaps," Draco said.

It didn't take him long to fall asleep, but he was glad Draco had fallen asleep before him. It had been a very long evening, and now he was going to wake up next to Draco on New Year's Day, as a sign to something he'd love to do every day.

rating: nc-17, community: slythindor100, pairing: harry/draco

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