Issues, Part 19

Jan 02, 2016 18:25

Title: Issues, Part 19
Author: digthewriter
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 200
Notes: Continuation of the drabble series: Issues.

"We come from two different worlds, Harry," Malfoy said, softly. The careful tone he was using, Harry had heard it before. It was the thing Malfoy did when he spoke to families who'd lost a loved one and Malfoy was trying to console them. Now he was trying to console Harry.

"I know," Harry said. "Why do you think that it took me this long to tell you how I felt, and I didn't even mean to say it like--"

"How long have you felt this way?" Malfoy asked.

"How long have you?"

Malfoy let go of Harry's hand and straightened up. Harry hated the empty feeling he'd immediately got. "It's hard to say. Time sort of blends together. There's me hating you, wishing you were dead, and then there was that time you really were dead. Then one day I woke up and realised that I was in love with you."

"Hm," Harry said, thinking over the words.

"And you?" Malfoy asked.

"I dunno either. I think I realised at the Christmas party last year when you brought whatshisname..."

"Guillaume," Malfoy said, patiently.

"Yeah, that." He knew the man's name. He just hated how it sounded coming from him. next part

series: issues, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/draco

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