Bill/Charlie - Being Late

Jan 01, 2016 18:30

Title: Being Late
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 580
Pairing: Bill/Charlie
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest. Shower Sex
Created for: charlieficathon
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Unbetaed.
Summary: Charlie was running late returning home to the Burrow for the holidays

His last day at work before the holidays was longer than Charlie had accepted. He'd missed the Portkey that was scheduled to take him back home, and he knew that his only other option was to Apparate over to his friend Leon's place and then take the Floo from there to the Burrow.

It was a longer and more exhausting way of travelling since Charlie didn't care for Apparition much, but he had to make it home or his mother would kill him.

He cleaned off his latest wound that he'd received from the youngest fire-cracker in the bunch, and gathered his things. He wished he could just stay in Romania for one more night before returning home.

By the time Charlie arrived at the Burrow, it was pitch dark. It was the middle of the night. He quietly made his way upstairs to his old room and undressed. He wanted to take a shower but didn't know if he really had the energy for it. Deciding that it was probably better to wake up clean and refreshed, Charlie determined to get over this one more task before finally being able to get a good night's sleep.

The hot water was soothing. It was nice to be back in the familiar and he grabbed for the soap when he heard the bathroom door open. He turned to look and found Bill standing there. Naked.

Charlie resisted the urge to drop his gaze towards Bill's groin and turned around. "You're still up?" he asked, not realising the pun until he'd said it.

Without saying a word, Bill opened the shower door and stepped in. "You're late," he eventually said as he took the soap out of Charlie's hand and started to lather Charlie's back.

"Yeah. Long day..."

"Long?" Bill said, sounding so amused. His hand wrapped around Charlie's cock as he pressed his chest against Charlie's back. "And hard."

It'd been a while since they'd done this. They hadn't talked about it. Not really. After Charlie had moved to Romania and Bill had met Fleur, it didn't matter anymore. Or so, Charlie had thought.

Bill moaned, his lips against Charlie's shoulder as his cock slid around Charlie's arse, pushing into the gap between his thighs. He stroked Charlie firmly and Charlie loved the feeling of Bill's erection, pushing against his thigh, sliding between his arse cheeks, and he pushed back.

"Yeah," Charlie said, tipping his head back on Bill's shoulder. "Do it."

With one hand still on Charlie's prick, Bill guided himself with his other hand. At first, he only tentatively pushed in against Charlie's hole but Charlie asked for more. The next time, Bill didn't hesitate and pushed in. Charlie groaned as he felt himself clench around Bill's throbbing cock.

All the exhaustion he'd been feeling, his long and complicated day, was all getting washed away as Bill pounded into him. Charlie pushed Bill's hand off his cock and started to fuck his own hand. Bill grabbed Charlie by the waist and really started to thrust in and out with small but harsh thrusts.

When Bill came, he didn't stop his thrusting until he was empty inside Charlie. But, he didn't stop there. After he slipped his limp cock out of Charlie's hole, he turned Charlie around and dropped to his knees.

Home, sweet home, Charlie thought. No doubt, Bill was being so needy with him because he was late. Charlie made a mental note of never being on time.

pairing: charlie/bill, rating: nc-17, community: charlieficathon

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