Holiday ART Two: Pansy/Ginny

Dec 11, 2015 13:55

It's Friday. That means it's time to play "Make up a story" challenge!

Pairing: Pansy/Ginny
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Rating: PG
Created for: My Holiday challenge - look at the art and write a story/drabble/detailed summary. Leave your thoughts and comments. You can also leave a prompt if you'd like ( Read more... )

pairing: pansy/ginny, -femmeslash, character: ginny weasley, -art, rating: pg, about: dig's holiday challenge, character: pansy parkinson, about: challenges

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Comments 24

capitu December 11 2015, 20:51:16 UTC
They look so wonderful together. <33 I love the colours, I love Ginny's coat. I love the whole feel of this.


digthewriter December 11 2015, 20:59:32 UTC
Thanks so much. I have a thing for flowery coats and long tunics! ♥


lq_traintracks December 11 2015, 20:56:50 UTC
Omgosh!!! You're so sweet! *HUGS YOU* Wow! Thank you so much!!! I just love it! I adore the colors you've used and how Ginny's scarf seems to go with Pansy's hair. I especially love Ginny's coat! And I love their hands together like that! Brilliant! Thank you! <333


digthewriter December 11 2015, 21:00:13 UTC
Thanks so much. I'm all about the winter cuddles.


Christmas Surprise llaeyro December 11 2015, 23:30:08 UTC
PG, 360 words

"Pansy!" Ginny called out the door, quickly grabbing her coat and wrapping it around her as she headed out into the snow. Pansy stormed silently ahead of her. It was hard catching up through the thick layer of snow which had built up throughout dinner. Pansy stopped shortly before the orchard and let Ginny catch up. For a moment, they just looked at each other. Ginny knew Pansy's eyes were saying 'I'm sorry, but that wasn't entirely my fault'. Ginny knew Pansy would understand her unspoken 'I know'.

“I know it’s all a joke to them but you know what I’m like. If I’d have stayed in there, I would have upset someone. I’m really trying, Gin.” She was frowning, but her shoulders relaxed a little as she sighed. Ginny stepped in and pulled her close to her side ( ... )


Re: Christmas Surprise digthewriter December 11 2015, 23:34:07 UTC
OH brilliant. What a great twist on the story and the art! I love it! Thank you so much.


Re: Christmas Surprise llaeyro December 11 2015, 23:48:45 UTC
Ha, it was the only idea I had--my muse went quiet on me when she heard it wasn't slash! This is the first time I've written a f/f pairing, and I never thought I'd be saying that. Thank you, glad you like it.


Re: Christmas Surprise digthewriter December 11 2015, 23:49:41 UTC
It's all good. I'm more f/f artist than f/f writer myself. I think I've only written one f/f story, ever.


fallconsmate December 12 2015, 01:14:23 UTC
this turned out beautiful!


digthewriter December 12 2015, 20:24:12 UTC
Thanks a lot.


Close to You. PG, Word Count: 142 bleedingangel84 December 12 2015, 04:53:56 UTC
"Why did I let you talk me into going ice skating? I knew I'd sprain my bloody ankle. I'm no good at that."

"You were doing fine until you tried that jump. I don't know what got into you, Pansy."

Pansy mumbled something unintelligible underneath her breath, causing Ginny to cock her head.

"What was that?"

"I said 'It was you.' I was trying to impress you."

"Pansy, you don't need fancy jumps to impress me. I was only looking for an excuse to hold your hand. I'm sorry you hurt your ankle."

"That's okay. I don't mind it so much. It gives me a legitimate reason to snuggle up to you. Can we head back to school now? It's freezing out here."

Ginny laced her fingers through Pansy's, holding the other girl close as they walked up the hill toward Hogwarts.


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Re: Close to You. PG, Word Count: 142 bleedingangel84 December 13 2015, 04:35:59 UTC
Thank you so much! <3


Re: Close to You. PG, Word Count: 142 digthewriter December 12 2015, 20:26:45 UTC
This is super cute. I love it to pieces. Thanks so much for getting inspired.


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