ICYMI: My art - your drabble - challenge

Dec 06, 2015 17:20

THIS post will have all the details. The short story: I post art every friday, you write for it. There's a raffle, and you'll win a prize.

FRIDAY - DEC 4TH art: James Sirius/Scorpius Malfoy already has many FANTASTIC stories and one wonderful prompt.

Check it out. Leave some love for the authors. Share the joy!

AT LAST by llaeyro
READY by capitu
Runaway by hikarievandar
CUDDLING by bleedingangel84
STAY by _melodic_

Prompt by capitu: [click for prompt] a ~snowball fight in which James tries to kiss Scorpius in public and Scorpius didn't want anyone to know about them yet but then when James leaves he regrets it so he runs to him and hugs him and kisses him

about: fun things, about: art, about: comment fest

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