A fic for me!!

Dec 03, 2015 14:59

This is my first year participating in rs_small_gifts and I just got my present. It's such a heartbreaking story with a super hopeful ending. It's just perfect really. Please make sure to check it out! I think Remus was just so in character that it's brilliant. They're all such idiotic Gryffindors that I can't even...

Title: Ten Years Gone
Author/Artist: museinabsentia
Recipient: digthewriter
Rating: T
Word count: ~3600
Summary: Ten years and some questionably legal food lead to a long overdue discussion.

Sirius wanted to be angry.  He wanted to rage at the presumption that he wouldn't; that no one would mind if Remus just disappeared.  He wanted to scream that he had loved Remus all those years ago, had probably never really stopped, and why hadn’t they ever just talked about it instead of hedging around it like talking would have broken it, would have broken them.  Instead he just felt tired, wrung out in a way that had nothing to do with physical limitations and more to do with the ache settling into his heart.

"You do know that I was in love with you."  Sirius didn't bother to make it a question.  After ten years without so much as an owl from Remus there was little he could do that could make it worse.  He had learned to get by without him, barely noticing the empty space that had become a permanent part of his life, even when it threatened to engulf him.

LINK HERE to go and read.

recommendation, author: museinabsentia, gifts for me, pairing: sirius/remus

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