"Be Careful What You Wish For" (Harry/Draco)

Dec 02, 2013 20:38

Title: Be Careful What You Wish For
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: ~370
Rating: PG-13
for slythindor100 DAY 2

Warning: ANGST!
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of the Harry Potter universe. This little piece of fiction is written for fun. No profit is being made.
Author's Notes: Honestly, apologies again for the way this drabble ends. / Continuation of " Diagon Alley and the Mistletoe"

Harry entered A Wizard's Quest, the shop where he'd met and kissed Draco ten years ago. The decorations were exactly the same as he'd remembered. The tree adorned the same red and gold ornaments where he saw his reflection again, and a familiar face appeared behind him.

"Harry, so good to see you!" George Weasley grinned glowingly.

Harry had heard that after the success of the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, George and Angelina had acquired A Wizard's Quest. They'd decided to keep the name the same upon Hermione's request. Harry thought it was sweet that the Weasleys also tried to keep his hope alive for so many years.

Harry was distraught for months after Draco’s disappearance, and even though things had ended badly between Ginny and Harry, the Weasleys were nice to him.

"You only get one life, Harry," George had said, "I would know. It's better to remember the good than to dwell on the bad."

"It's good to see you too," Harry replied hugging George. "The shop's doing well, I see."

"As good as it can get!" George answered. There was something about George that Harry couldn’t place a finger on. It was as though - he was hiding something.

"Is Hermione here?" Harry asked.

"No she hasn’t arrived yet, but-"

"But, what?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Malfoy…" George paused and Harry’s heart almost sank into his stomach. "He’s back. He’s here, just the-"


Harry heard his name from behind him, from a voice he’d longed to hear for so many years. Sure, Harry had tried to move past the few nights of snogging. Really, he knew, it was just kissing a boy in his teens for a few hours a night for just short of a week. It wasn’t anything worth writing home about. It wasn’t worth years of waiting and longing. But he heard his name, and it was as though his heart had leapt with joy. Then he turned around.

"Mal-Dra-Mal. Hi," Harry stumbled at his words, at the greeting he was trying to convey. He didn’t know what to say, what to do. Draco. Malfoy. He was standing next to a woman; his arms wrapped around her.

"Potter. This is my wife, Astoria."


rating: pg-13, story: ten years of waiting, community: slythindor100

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