Oct 04, 2015 14:38


So some of you may know that I'm very lazy. (No, seriously).

I'm rather lazy when it comes to reading -- espeically prompts. So much so, that you might remember my post HERE about how I didn't want to read all the 100+ prompts for bottom_draco that I ended up picking a random number ( it was: 32) and writing a story for it. As ridiculous as I thought the prompt was, I ended up claiming it and writing 22,300 words for it. I originally thought that the fic was going to be super stupid but much to my surprise, it's been recommended a couple of times by people and has been well received by the audience.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. So, I'm SUPER LAZY about reading prompts for mini_fest so I'm asking the F-LIST to leave me ideas / prompts for fic or art. Note, the minimum for mini_fest is 500 words so that's basically what I'm shooting off for here.

Comments are screened. You can shoot for any slash or femmeslash pairing or genre for ficlet or art. If it's a pairing I'm not comfortable with, a) I'll let you know, or b) I'll probably make art for it than write something for it.

Everyone is requested to prompt with any HP slash/femmeslash pairing. Any rating (although, don't expect NC-17 in art). Needless to say: no rape/non-con

JFC, DIG, do you ever stop talking?


Tell me what you wanna see and if you trust me to deliver it. [That really is key, init?]

Oh, also: It's mini_fest so it has to be all christmas and snow related. [Blah, snow. I live in New England. I hate snow]

about: dig is rambling & makes no sense, about: art, about: prompt extravaganza, about: writing

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