new icon (and other art stories of no interest)

Sep 22, 2015 12:47

I have a new icon, it's rather self indulgent, but *whatever* LOL

Also I realised that I never posted this....Harrybang had gone live in February 2015 and I had signed up to do "art" for josephinestone since I dropped out as an author. I just can't do big bangs that I sign up for as a threesome fic. That's something I have to work on.

Anyway, I procrastinated like nobody's business about the art and ultimately ended up with pretty awful pieces b/c a) I'd procrastinated and b) I went through a sort of depression and it came out of nowhere and my art ended up sucking for it. Maybe that's why I never "claimed" it. josephinestone was also kind enough to put up with me, my delays and the fact that I did all of these in a matter of hours, when I had at least three months to create them. God, I'm ridiculous. Still, she claims to like it and really, that's all that matters.

Title: Finding Scorpius
Author: josephinestone
Artist(s): digthewriter
Word Count: 50k
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Harry/Ginny, Albus/Scorpius, Harry/Draco
Other key characters: Ron, Rose, Hugo, Hermione, James, Lily
Era: Canon compliant
Content: Major character death(s) and emotional infidelity.
Summary: Harry and Ginny’s marriage has been in trouble since the beginning, but they had the kids to raise and careers to keep them busy. Now the kids are all at school, except James who’s starting his own career, Harry is at a desk as the Head Auror and so is Ginny while working for The Daily Prophet. They’re working on problems they’ve been brushing aside for years. When Scorpius Malfoy, their son Albus’ best mate, goes missing from Hogwarts. Harry is torn between finding Scorpius before it’s too late, and keeping his falling-apart family together.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.


Maybe I'll get motivation enough to re-do some of the pieces but at the moment, I look at them and just remember the sadness. God, I'm such a drama queen!

about: dig is rambling & makes no sense, about: art, community: harrybang, about: life, -art

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