Exciting Times Are Exciting!

Sep 02, 2015 11:51

Have you ever written a Harry Potter fic which wasn't a popular pairing and wished you could have someone draw for it? Or remix it in any other way? ♥ My favourite fest is back and it's doing that exact same thing. I'm super excited about this.

After making a discussion post about it on hprare_cliche a while ago, I'm happy to announce a new fest for 2016 that focuses on remixes for Harry Potter rare-pairs! You don't have to make a claim to submit your fic or art to be remixed and if you don't like remixes, then traditional style of prompt and claim is also available.

I'm super excited.

Click the banner to read all about the fest! It's HP rare pairs with your favourite kind of trope combined!

about: fests, about: things i mod

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