AUGUST 2015 Masterlist

Sep 01, 2015 12:57


Flatmates. Not Boyfriends. - for hd_collab
Summary: Harry Potter is the love of Draco’s life. This is a fact that Draco struggles with nearly every day.

Taking Chances - FOR fortheloveofhp
Summary: Neville is invited to stay at the Burrow while attending a wedding. He’s learning that there are pros and cons to every situation.

ART: at the end of the night - Neville/Charlie



He Takes Care Of Him - 100 WC
He Makes It Hot - 100 WC

That bloody game - 200 WC for dracoharry100
Harry's Birthday - The Man Of The Hour, Part II - 1575 WC - for slytherin100
GRILLED CHEESE - for hd_pots_n_porn WC: 100
Breakfast WC: 100
A friendly game - WC: 365

Made of Steel - 100 WC
Being Wrong - 100 WC
Nervous - 100 WC

"An apologetic ritual" - WC: 150 - SNAPE/BLACK
Staying Away - WC: 170 - Draco/James Sirius

WOW, I wasn't kidding about no art this month since the internet's been down

ART: JAMES/SIRIUS: "irrevocably gone"


Seeing You - WC: 14,000
Summary: Growing up, Merlin wasn't the most popular kid. He was often made fun of because he was overweight. Now, as an adult, he's fit, successful, and has a great group of friends. What happens when someone from his past rings him up to apologise?

Face to face - WC: 670
Pushing His Luck - WC: 790
TOTAL WORD COUNT for the month in "active writing": 18, 620active writing totals of the past:
July 2015: 11,355
August 2014: 13,640working on/ submitted: bottom_draco, hd_erised, snaco_soiree, hp_nextgen_fest, hd_fanart, hd_fan_fair, HP_DRIZZLE, hp_adoptaprompt, hp_creatures, also as always, actively writing for my favourite merlin community: camelot_drabble

Looking fwd to an exciting September!

masterlist, year: 2015, august masterlist, about: writing

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