Harry/Draco Prompts for HP_CREATURES

Aug 13, 2015 23:15

Claiming is still open for hp_creatures and submissions are due on October 1st. I figured I'd try to nudge the f-list in the direction for some more claims! :)

Below are the unclaimed prompts for Harry/Draco for the fest -- feel free to check 'em out and drop a claim (for fic or art). *grins*


No pressure, of course.

USERNAME: capitu
Creature: werewolf
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Post Hogwarts
Additions: D. A. D. A teacher!Harry or Headmaster!Harry. And maybe even wolf!Animagus!Harry?
Scenario: It's Harry's first year as a Headmaster (or teacher) at Hogwarts, and the Ministry contacted him because apparently there's a werewolf living in the Forbidden Forest. He must go in and talk to this creature.
Squicks: homophobia, unhappy ending, character bashing.
Rating Preferred: Any. :)

USERNAME: capitu
Creature: Veela (or if you think of another winged creature, that's awesome, too!)
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Post Hogwarts
Additions: Can be funny or ~dramatic~, up to you!
Scenario: Harry and Draco are roommates, and lately Draco's been very elusive. Harry is very curious, especially because there are all these feathers all over the place.
Squicks: homophobia, unhappy ending, character bashing.
Rating Preferred: I'd really like R or NC-17, but really, any!

USERNAME: bootsy_mine
Creature: Moke
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Post Hogwarts
Additions: Harry works with his partner and comes to trust and regard him highly though he doesn't know his partner's identity until after the case is solved.
Scenario: To catch a thief, Harry is paired with the most unlikely partner, a wizard who is a moke animagus
Rating Preferred: PG-13 to NC-17

USERNAME: this_bloody_cat
Creature: Vampire
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Any
Additions: Harry as a vampire, fanatics everywhere, a very cryptic Draco :)
Scenario: "I could be a Dark Lord for all you know--"
"No, you couldn't," Draco snapped. "I've found Dark Lords tend to be lacking in empathy, not to mention common sense."
Squicks: Main character death
Rating Preferred: Any

USERNAME: this_bloody_cat
Creature: Inferi
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: Any
Additions: A humbled, dispossessed Draco, with the Manor being all he has left after the trials?
Scenario: Turns out the Dark Lord left a lot more than dark artefacts in Malfoy Manor...
Squicks: Main character death
Rating Preferred: Any

USERNAME: ladyofsd
Creature: Elf
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: AU
Additions: Push and pull magical sex with bloodplay, gold blood, black iris flower
Scenario: The link between the Elven World and the Human World fades. The bridge will forever be lost unless the elven prince Draco M’ alFoy weds the lost wizard king Harry Prince.
Squicks: Unhappy ending, scat, fluff-overload, OOC
Rating Preferred: NC-17

USERNAME: themightyflynn
Creature: Veela
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: Post-Hogwarts
Additions: Powerful!Draco, dominant!Draco
Scenario: Harry comes into his inheritance unexpectedly after the war is over. Draco scents him through the chaos and they mate.
Squicks: Scat, character death, feminised boys.
Rating Preferred: N-17

USERNAME: cyn_ful
Creature: elf
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: 8th year or beyond
Additions: Green, sexy ears, sensitive ears
Scenario: It's a sacred holiday for the elves or something. So, not picky. Harry stumbles into a place he shouldn't be. Draco takes advantage of it.
Squicks: Either with a female, but I'm pretty wide open on anything
Rating Preferred: Whatever the fic calls for. If it feels G, go G - but if you know it will only work with NC17, don't hold back.

USERNAME: cyn_ful
Creature: Veela
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Narcissa/Lucius (either, not picky)
Era: 8th year or beyond
Additions: wings, deny mate, anger, angst
Scenario: No scenario - just like wings. Veela has just realized who his/her mate is. How do they react? Are they happy about it? Does in-law find out and try to stop it, even if it were to kill their child?
Squicks: none I can think of
Rating Preferred: Whatever the fic calls for. If it feels G, go G - but if you know it will only work with NC17, don't hold back.

USERNAME: gracerene
Creature: Veela
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Era: 8th year or Post-Hogwarts EWE
Additions: knotting, mpreg, heat cycles, bottom!harry (though I don't mind bottom!draco, go where your muse takes you!)
Scenario: Veela!Fic meets omega!verse. With all the fun heat cycles and knotting! (I'd like for both of them to be Veela for this one)
Squicks: infidelity, unhappy endings, rape/non-con
Rating Preferred: NC-17 (though I'm okay with any, really

USERNAME: josephinestone
Creature: Anything dark
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Post-Hogwarts
Additions: None
Scenario: Auror Harry Potter gets help from Unspeakable Draco Malfoy to track down dark creatures terrifying Muggles on Halloween.
Squicks: None
Rating Preferred: Any

USERNAME: lijahlover
Creature: Veela
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Post War immediately after the war ends. EWE
Additions:Possessive, Dark Draco, Love, Angst, Living in the Malfoy Manor for it's atmosphere, Draco speaks French, Parselsmut
Scenario: After Harry kills Voldemort a piece of his soul attaches itself to Draco's soul. Draco becomes more powerful and dark, frightening to those who would make Harry upset or angry. Draco becomes Harry's avenging angel/Veela. I'd like Harry and Draco to be married and after Harry tells Draco all about his childhood Draco goes over and curses them all to make them pay for what they did to Harry. I would like Draco to never really kill anyone just curse them cause he see's it as death would be to good for them. His friends can tell something is off about Draco, yet Harry is oblivious. Draco can curse others that upset him and his husband and Harry doesn't need to stay oblivious the whole time. He can find out yet loves Draco to much to care or leave.
Squicks: The usual ones, unhappy endings
Rating Preferred: NC-17 please

USERNAME: lijahlover
Creature: Vampire
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: EWE, Older more mature
Additions: Obsession, Lust and established relationship, love, kissing in the rain, possessive Harry.
Scenario: Draco wants to be turned so they can live happily ever after, yet Harry is reluctant. Maybe there can be someone in the story jealous of what Harry has and wants Draco for himself so Harry feels uneasy. They can kidnap him and Harry goes after them in a vengeance. Harry gets him back then they have brilliant sex and Harry decides to change Draco.
Squicks: Unhappy endings, usual Squicks
Rating Preferred: NC-17 is yummy

USERNAME: rubysilkensun
Creature: Something suitably mythic.....go with whatever inspires you
Pairing: Harry/Draco or Charlie/Draco
Era: Post Hogwarts
Additions: The beings who cast the magic to become human would have done so because they were being hunted or something similar, whatever creature they were is probably thought to be extinct now and likely to cause quite a stir when one appears.
Scenario: When attempting to remove the dark mark Draco undoes a powerful generations old spell which had hidden his ancestors by making them human.
Squicks: character death, unhappy endings
Rating Preferred: Any

USERNAME: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Hogwarts, or post-Hogwarts
Additions: I'd love a crack-tastic fic (or art!) that will make me laugh!
Scenario: Someone (perhaps Hagrid?) has reanimated a holstein cow or bull. The intention was good, but now the creature is loose and creating havoc.
Squicks: Angst, violence, gore, non-con, infidelity
Rating Preferred: up to NC17

USERNAME: rubysilkensun
Creature: Fey or Demon or similar
Pairing: Harry/Draco or Charlie/Draco
Era: Could be any
Additions: Whoever you pair Draco with could try and break the deal and free him?
Scenario: Lucius made a deal with one of the above creatures that involved trading Draco to it/them in exchange for something (power, freedom ect). When Draco returns/reappears he is no longer the same, perhaps not fully human anymore, or simply changed by being around whichever creature you pick so long (both fey and demons have stories where time in their realm can be different).
Squicks: Character Death, Unhappy ending, would prefer things not to get too extreme
Rating Preferred: Any

USERNAME: rubysilkensun
Creature: Suitable magical creature such as Couatl or winged cat or whatever takes your fancy.
Pairing: Harry/Draco or Charlie/Draco
Era: Post Hogwarts
Additions: Someone is transforming people into creature, obviously they have to be magical to become a magic creature. It would be kind of neat if it can only be partially reversed for instance the person in question can still change into whatever they were turned into or keep some traits (wings, tail or other noticeably non human trait) when turned back.
Scenario: There is a new trader in magical creatures able to procure almost anything it seems, you want a winged cat for your child or one of the rarer breeds of winged horse or even a miniature dragon or even a Couatl they are your best bet. At the same time some down and out witches and wizards are vanishing, at first no one is too concerned if the occasional former supporter of Voldemort or drug addled wizard goes missing but sooner or later people get worried
Squicks: Character death, scat, unhappy ending
Rating Preferred: Any

USERNAME: rubysilkensun
Creature: werewolf or other were creature
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Era: Any
Additions: Nothing extra - just whenever I read a good werewolf fic I end up listening to this so I hope it inspires others.
Scenario: Whatever the song Silver Moonlight by Within Temptation brings to your mind:


Squicks: Character death, scat, unhappy endings
Rating Preferred: Any

USERNAME: cyn_ful
Creature: Your Pick - I would like something with dark wings, possibly fangs, ability to fly, humanoid, dragon
Pairing: Snape/Lily, Snape - Harry (father/son), Harry/Draco (preferably, but open)
Era: at least 7th year or beyond
Additions: wings, feathers, claiming
Scenario: No one knows that Snape is really Harry's father. (you decide scenario of how) Harry is sick and doesn't know what is going on.
Squicks: Harry w/ a female, especially Ginny.
Rating Preferred: Whatever the fic calls for. If it feels G, go G - but if you know it will only work with NC17, don't hold back.

USERNAME: josephinestone
Creature: Lethifold (or any suitable dark creature)
Pairing: Any but some of my favourites are: Albus/Scorpius, Neville/Pansy, Harry/Draco, James/Sirius, any femeslash
Era: Depends on the pairing you choose, but they'd be at Hogwarts as either students or teachers
Additions: HP Lovecraft type Horror
Scenario: It's Halloween and they stumble upon something mysterious and possibly deadly in the Forbidden Forest.
Squicks: None
Rating Preferred: Any

about: subtle dig is subtle, about: prompt extravaganza, about: fests, about: things i mod

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