It's ALIVE!!! ~ also, where Dig gets excited over member participation (hehe, member participation)

Aug 05, 2015 13:29

Yesterday, I scheduled the prompt post for hogwarts365 for prompt #100 - meaning that we've been alive and kicking for nearly 100 weeks with at least one or two submissions (that weren't from me, ha).

Anyway, THIS WEEK (for prompt 99), we got TWO BRAND NEW people to post for the first time for the community.

torino10154 wrote a HARRY/DRACO 365-word story and
lyskasia wrote a very NICE Justin/Blaise story (*waves at hp_diversity*)

Our snazzy banner that was created by capitu two years ago

Anyway, I just get super excited when we get new members and I want to give a shout out to enchanted_jae, and bleedingangel84 - who have written for EVERY SINGLE PROMPT so far. (!!!) That's 99 weeks w/out fail. *mind blown*

[click here for dancing stormtroopers]

about: excited dig is excited, community: hogwarts365, about: things i mod

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