Okay...so I wrote an RPF. Who am I?

May 31, 2015 18:49

So I totally forgot that I wrote a Bradley James/Colin Morgan RPF for tavern_tales for the month of May with the theme: REBOOT. / I didn't include it in my MASTERLIST because a) it's awful, and b) it's so bad, I totally forgot to add it. I only remembered when I got the notification that TT "mentioned" me on a post. HA. Read on your own accord. HA (AGAIN).

Title: Colin's awful pitch for a new show.
Author: digthewriter
Rating: PG-13
Type: FIC
Notes: Unbetaed and I've never in my LIFE written RPF before so I have no idea what I'm doing.
Word Count: 1000

Bradley settled in front of the telly with a beer and some crisps in order to watch the game he'd DVR'd because he'd had a meeting with his manager and couldn't see it live.

He was just about to get to the end and it was anyone's game when his mobile rang. He ignored it. It rang again. Then, he'd received about five notifications in a row. Text message notifications.

What in the bloody hell was harassing him?

He looked at the screen and saw that it was Colin.

He took in a deep sigh and answered the phone. They'd spoken to each other since the end of the show, of course, but they'd barely been alone. Bradley was afraid of being alone with Colin. Not since what'd happened that last day-

The damn mobile wouldn't stop beeping.

"Yes, Colin," Bradley said.

"Finally. I've been ringing you like mad."

"I'm aware. I'm watching the-"

"Don't bother. Jones drop the ball at the last minute and the entire thing is bust."


"Sorry. I did it again, didn't I?"

"Yes. You did. What is it that you want?"

"I'm outside your door."

"You're what?"

There was a knock and then Colin spoke on the phone. "That was me, by the way."

Bradley stood up and made his way to the front door of his flat. It was the flat no one really knew about. It was just outside the city and on the fifteenth floor. He liked coming here sometimes just to think and relax. Colin, of course, knew that.

"How did you know I'd be here?"

"Well, I went by your other place first," Colin said and walked in through the door without an invitation. Of course, he was allowed to do that, too.

"So, you're here, because..."

"I've got an idea. My manager just pitched this idea to me, and I thought you'd be perfect for it."

"What is it?" Bradley asked, dryly. He was struggling to seem nonchalant. He couldn't believe that Colin was there. He was there after he'd gone looking for Bradley in the city. Maybe...maybe it meant something that Bradley never allowed himself to think of. Maybe it meant that he wasn't alone in this.

"Hear me out before you make any judgments, okay?" Colin said and Bradley nodded. "So it's sort of like a reboot of an old story. You have to keep an open mind and really listen to the-"

"Would you just spit it out already?"

Bradley took a seat and Colin was still standing. He looked up at Colin, straight into his eyes, because he didn't want to risk looking anywhere else.

"Beauty and the Beast."

"What?" Bradley snapped.

"It's modern day Beauty and the Beast, of course it won't be called that. It's going to be solving crimes in London, and one character, the beauty is going to go looking for clues in this castle where he is going to meet the recluse that lives there. The man's scarred, and all that...I don't know the details yet and the Beauty is going to find out that the Beast is actually some sort of a genius and they'll solve crime together."

Bradley huffed. He shook his head and then pinched the bridge of his nose.

"First of all, I think there's already a show like that in America. I think it is actually called Beauty and the Beast and there is no way in hell a gay Beauty and the Beast show is going to run... I mean you're joking, right?"

Colin's face fell and he sat at the sofa next to Bradley.

"You've got a good career going, why are you here asking me to be in a show with you?" They were both checking out their prospects and going separate ways. That had always been the plan.

"I, just..." Colin sighed and sagged back into the sofa. As he did so, his red shirt rode up a and Bradley could see the faint fuzz on his belly.

Fuck, that was hot.


"You never want to get together."

"We get together."

"Yeah. In front of the media. You come to my shows. But, whenever I ask you to get a pint..."

"I know. Just been busy."

"Right," Colin said, almost snorting the word.

No one said anything for a while and Bradley thought that Colin was going to get up and leave if he didn't do anything so he got up and went to the kitchen. He grabbed another beer for Colin and handed it to him. He sat back down next to his friend and took a swig of his own lager.

"We're having a drink now," Bradley said.

"You think that I don't remember?" Colin asked and Bradley raised an eyebrow. "You think that I wasn't there when you kissed me."


"We were both drunk..." Bradley said.

"I wasn't that drunk. And neither were you. You'd finally acted on what had been going on between us and then you just ran."

"I didn't mean to run. You didn't..." chase after me, either.

"I just needed some time to process it. I mean I'd never kissed a bloke and liked it before."

"You've kissed blokes?"

Colin raised an eyebrow and Bradley nodded. "Oh yeah. Acting."

"Yeah, that was acting, and what we had was real," Colin said. "I wanted to kiss you again. I think about kissing you all the time. I wish...I wish I hadn't just run away but..."

"I know, I'm sorry, too," Bradley said.

Bradley put his beer down on the coffee table and turned to look at Colin. He was going to level with the man. Tell him that it was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened and they both had their careers to think about. They didn't have time to find themselves in the midst of all this. It wasn't about being gay or straight. It was about acting, and finding the roles that mattered.

Bradley was going to say all of that but when he opened his mouth to speak, Colin's mouth was on his.

Colin kissed him, desperate, and hungry and it was wet and oh so hot that Bradley was sure that he was just going to melt right then and there.

Colin was nearly devouring his face in the most amazing way ever and every coherent, rational thought escaped Bradley in a heartbeat.

When they broke apart, Bradley realised that Colin's hands were under his shirt and he was so warm and it felt wonderful.

"You were saying?" Colin asked, almost panting.

"I was?"

"I thought you were..."

"Oh..." Bradley said. "Well, the bedroom's that way."

Colin stood up right away and for a minute, Bradley thought he was going to leave. Then, Colin grabbed Bradley's hand and pulled him up.

"Let's go then," he said and allowed to lead them there.

-rpf, fandom: merlin, pairing: bradley/colin, rating: pg-13, community: tavern_tales

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