HD prompts for hp_drizzle

May 15, 2015 14:17

Many of you may know that I am modding the hp_drizzle fest again this year. I really do love this fest and I'm so glad that a couple of years ago I signed up to co-mod it and it's super fun.

Claiming is open until August 7, and submissions are due on August 15.

I've compiled the UNCLAIMED prompts below for Harry/Draco, please check them out and GO TO THE CLAIMING POST if you want to sign up! *hint hint*

As bloodisshrp says: subtle DIG is subtle ♥

Prompt: Harry and Draco are on vacation. They scuba trip to the coral reef is great, but where is the boat when they emerge from the underwater paradise? Drifting in open water, helpless without their wands which they left on the boat, they have to endure the cold of the water, the heat of the sun, the decrease in temperature when night falls, the thunderstorm attacking them in the wee hours of morning.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Any optional extras: Sharks. Fluorescent algae.

Prompt: Draco is a mind healer, and Harry is having trouble controlling his emotions and the weather is affected.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Any optional extras: Can be reverse... author's choice.

Prompt: Every time Draco is on a picnic date, it rains. It pours...and things are getting out of hand. He knows it's the handywork of his exboyfriend, Harry Potter, and his mood swings.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Any optional extras: Harry is jealous and wants Draco back. Happy ending!

Prompt: It's an extremely hot summer after the war. Muggles and wizards pray for something to happen and bring a change. When it happens, they wish it never had. Sunflares hit the earth, and when the fires subside, the surface remains unlivable because of radiation - the ozone layer got destroyed. In the dungeons of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall faintly remembers a prophecy made by Professor Trelawney during her first year of teaching. Maybe it offers a solution. She needs a team to go to London and search for it in the Ministry. It's an impossible, most probably fatal mission. Harry and Draco volunteer.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco (or any other pairing you think is able to face such a mission ;-) )
Any optional extras: Severus Snape provides lots of useful survival potions. But he has only enough of each for one person.

Prompt: Link to lyrics and video of Every Breath You Take by The Police The whole song really, but especially this:
Every breath you take and every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take (I'll be watching you)
Every single day and every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay (I'll be watching you)
Every move you make, every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake (I'll be watching you)
Doesn't have to be a song!fic. Inspired by the lyrics is fine.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Any optional extras: Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will keep Harry from finding out what Malfoy is up to. Post Hogwarts. Other Harry Potter side characters welcome.

Prompt: Harry and Draco are on their first holiday together, and Harry discovers that Draco gets freckles when he spends a lot of time in the sun (which is why Draco has always made a point of carefully avoiding the sun). Draco hates them, Harry thinks it's the cutest/sexiest thing he's ever seen.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Any optional extras: Of course it wouldn't be realistic for Draco to suddenly be sporting Weasley-like freckles, I just mean the light freckles that some people get during the summer.

Prompt: snow & ice, wind, huddling for warmth, stranded in an area where anti-magic wards (or something similar) have been placed by dark wizards
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Any optional extras: Aurors

Prompt: They are flatmates. (maybe out of necessity/convenience for some reason in the beginning, but they have since become, at least somewhat, if not good, friends)
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Any optional extras: Major heat wave. It's so bad that cooling charms don't help much. Draco starts walking around naked or with very little clothing and sunbathing in the nude. It is driving Harry crazy!

Prompt: One is a professional quidditch player. The other is a healer. A freak wind or a small tornado seems to target one during a match and throws him off his broom and injures him. (extent of injury up to writer) The other treats his injuries. Whether the wind/tornado is some sort of magical accident or was intentionally done to sabotage the game up to writer.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Any optional extras: One uncomfortable with the other seeing him naked and the healer also uncomfortable with the situation, but covers his discomfort well (or tries to) with professionalism.

Prompt: Harry and Draco are in Auror training. Harry thinks the only reason Draco was allowed to join is so the Ministry can show that they believe in equality for everyone. One of their instructors informs the trainees that they are going to participate in a Muggle disaster recovery group as a part of their Muggle relations training. There was a (tornado, earthquake, hurricane etc your pick) somewhere and the Muggles need help with search and rescue. They can use magic, but it has to be discreet, so as to not give themselves away to the Muggle volunteers in the recovery effort or the ones they are rescuing. They are paired up and, of course, Harry and Draco are put together.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Any optional extras: Harry also secretly (or not so secretly)questions Draco's motives for joining the Aurors. He is amused at the thought of Draco rescuing Muggles and is surprised at how seriously Draco takes the mission and how compassionate he is to those he rescues.

Prompt: Draco doesn't like being hot. Or cold. He doesn't like altitude changes. He hates humidity and dry weather. He doesn't like glaring sun or gloomy grey skies.
Harry is trying to arrange the perfect holiday getaway for them. Apparently picking a location is challenging.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Draco/Harry
Any optional extras: Have fun with it.

Prompt: Harry introduced his Auror partner, Draco, to Hollywood adventure films and they watch plenty. The problem is that many of them include horrible natural catastrophes, so Draco comes to think America is an endless run of earthquakes, tornadoes, and blizzards. Then Kingsley sends them to the States on a case.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Draco/Harry
Any optional extras: Draco is paranoid. Maybe he's got the other British fears of the US as well: poisonous snake and spiders, and the certainty that every America is packing heat.

Prompt: Post-war. Draco takes Harry ice skating on the pond at Malfoy Manor.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Draco/Harry
Any optional extras: Would be beautiful as art :)

Prompt: Harry gets caught in a hail storm and ends up getting knocked out. He wakes up in a strange bed.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Draco/Harry
Any optional extras: How did he get there? Is he in St Mungos w/ Draco as his healer? Did Draco happen upon his unconscious body and drag him home to care for him?

Prompt: A quiet moment in the fog.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Draco/Harry
Any optional extras: Could be cool as art!

Prompt: Character A finds a dog rolling in the grass on a spring day. They take it back home with them only to discover it's not quite what it appeared to be.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Draco/Harry, Ginny/Blaise, Draco/Ginny, Hermione/Oliver
Any optional extras: The dog can be someone playing around in their animagus form, or something slightly more complicated.

Prompt: Returning from the dead left Harry with a few side effects - one of which is he produces a winter storm everywhere he goes.
Suggested Character(s)/Pairings: Harry/Draco preferred
Any optional extras: He freezes flowers and plants to death?

about: prompt extravaganza, community: hp_drizzle, about: things i mod

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