The Almost [Sirius/Harry + Harry/Draco]

May 13, 2015 13:55

Title: The Almost
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: ~1250
Pairing: Sirius/Harry; Harry/Draco; and *Sirius/Harry/Draco - implied*
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Exhibitionism as a kink. EWE.
Created for: So I started writing this as something I might submit for hp_crossgenfest, then I thought maybe I'd submit it for hprarefest, finally, I decided that I was just going to post it because...what the hell. In the end, this is an entry for enchanted_jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #111 with the prompt: GOODNIGHT.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: This is written with the intention that the Weasleys do not know about Harry and Sirius or anything else for that matter. It is very much EWE. All my thanks to bloodisshrp for the beta; all the remaining mistakes are mine since I kept fiddling with it.

Summary: For Harry, it was the fact that he really had no self-control, for Draco, it was more about the thrill.

Sirius pushed Harry against the door as he entered him, not only because Harry liked when they did it standing up, but also because the door didn't have a lock. He also placed a hand on Harry's mouth as he'd complained once to Harry that he was always too loud. It wasn't a complain, really, because Sirius liked it when Harry was loud-just they couldn't be loud when there were people in the next room celebrating.

It was a joyous occasion; the Weasleys were throwing Hermione a baby shower. Everyone was there. Everyone except for Sirius and Harry because they were in the kitchen pantry. Sirius had told everyone he was going to the garden to smoke a fag-a nasty Muggle habit he'd picked up, and Harry'd said he was going up the stairs to use the loo.

Instead, they'd both walked into the pantry when no one was paying attention. The Weasleys wouldn't have needed the pantry because everything they needed for the party was already laid out on the kitchen table.

Harry heard Ron's voice as he shouted for losing a competition and Charlie's, who had clearly won the said game. Fleur sounded like she was trying to keep the peace.

Sirius bit Harry's ear, bringing his attention back to him. He was always just so needy of Harry's attention. All the time. Harry sort of loved that about him.

"Gunnah..." Harry panted against Sirius's palm and Sirius picked up the pace. He pounded into Harry as harshly and as quietly as he could. He needed both hands to balance Harry on him so Harry tilted forward, and rested his head on Sirius shoulder.

He gave a small cry-the best he could do to not make any noise-as he came all over Sirius's shirt.

Sirius wasn't too far behind. Harry wasn't sure but he thought he'd heard Sirius grunt "More. More. More." It was what he liked to chant when he was fucking Harry. It was what he panted under his breath when Harry was on his knees making him come harder than ever and Sirius never knew he was saying it as he was fucking Harry's mouth.

Sirius's groan grew louder and Harry rolled his eyes at how Sirius always said he was the one that was too loud. He'd point it out, but then Harry was sure he'd make Sirius want to have another go and they simply didn't have time. No matter how much Harry wanted it.

Then, Harry heard Draco make a sound. It was just a snort but he'd know that voice anywhere. It was just so Draco. Harry figured Draco had just seen Ron do something silly and he was doing his best to not insult Harry's best friend.

Sirius pulled out of Harry and brought his attention back to where they were and what they were doing. They cleaned up quickly and before Harry could say anything, Sirius pulled him in for a long, deep kiss. Harry guessed it'd be a while until they'd do this again. And he hated that.

"They'll hear the crack if we try to Apparate and-"

Sirius nodded. Harry was an Auror and he was always thinking three steps ahead.

Sirius grabbed a bottle of wine and handed it to Harry. "You walk out first. Tell them you went looking for something that wasn't a 'mocktail'." He patted Harry's arse as he said the word mocktail.

Harry shook his head and decided to do what was told. Sirius had more experience with sneaking around than him, anyway.

He walked out of the pantry and casually walked into the party room. No one seemed to give him a second glance, except for Draco, who had his eyebrow arched from the moment Harry'd walked into the room.

"Have a nice time?" Draco whispered, grabbing the bottle from Harry's hand. Harry's face flushed but otherwise, he didn't respond. He didn't need to tell Draco what he'd been doing. Draco always knew.

"Are we going home tonight?" Draco asked, turning his attention back to the party games.

Harry shook his head before he realised Draco wasn't looking at him. "No. They want us to stay."

Draco nodded. He didn't entirely look disappointed but he walked away from Harry, nonetheless. Harry reckoned he went looking for a wine opener and some glasses. Harry followed him. When they reached the end of the room and Draco had grabbed two glasses to pour the wine in, Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist.

"How are you feeling?"

Draco didn't answer, but he allowed Harry to continue holding him so Harry thought at least that wasn't a bad sign.

"Malfoy, she's going to open your present next," Ron called out and Harry loosened his hold on him. Draco walked away from Harry without hesitation.

Okay, he was really cross about something and Harry didn't know what to do.

"Where's Sirius?" Mrs Weasley asked looking around the room.

"I'm here," Sirius said walking into the room. "Sorry. Nasty habit, I know." He held the half smoked cigarette up to show them and then tucked it behind his ear. Harry hated his habit, but he thought that gesture was the sexiest thing ever.

Draco didn't look up and encouraged Hermione to open his present. He and Draco had got her a present together but Draco insisted on buying more than one thing and had ended up purchasing half of the wish list.

Harry averted his eyes from Draco to Sirius, then he looked at Draco again hoping Sirius would understand what he was trying to say. Sirius walked up close to them and he stood behind Draco and looked over his shoulder as Hermione opened her gift while George took pictures.

The flash was blinding, but it was also distracting. Sirius pressed closer to Draco and leaned into whisper. Harry wasn't close enough to hear but he could see the words form as Sirius spoke them. It was something he'd said enough for Harry to undoubtedly know. "You're such a good boy, Draco."

Harry watched as Draco slightly shivered and subtly pushed back into Sirius.

Eventually Harry realised why Draco was so cross. It wasn't the fact that Harry and Sirius had been alone together, they always got together when Draco wasn't around, but it was because they'd run the risk of getting caught. Draco liked being a part of something that bordered on the uncertain. They'd never done it in anyone else's house before and Draco was feeling left out.

Hermione and Mrs Weasley squealed with delight at seeing the bassinet Draco had picked out as Sirius still held onto Draco. Hermione jumped up and wrapped her arms around Draco, pushing him further against Sirius who held him from behind.

It was so perverse; Draco and Sirius were taking advantage of the situation in their own way that Harry couldn't help but smile. He shook his head at how delighted Draco looked and he knew why. He was being bad and Sirius was indulging him into it.

Maybe it wasn't the equivalent of fucking in the kitchen pantry but rubbing up against each other in a room full of people was enough to make Draco forget his irritation with Harry and Sirius.

Harry was glad because he had plans for the three of them that night and an angry Draco would have put a damper on a midnight rendezvous in the garden.

It was definitely going to be a good night Read the next addition to this series

scarstar, pairing: sirius/draco, rating: nc-17, -threesome, pairing: sirius/harry, pairing: harry/draco, threesome: sirius/draco/harry, challenge: jmdc

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