If someone actually gives a crap: What I'm doing.

May 06, 2015 10:46

I've seen a few people doing this, so:

What I'm Reading:
Whyborne & Griffin Series | Jordan L. Hawk

Fandom wise, I'm not really reading anything on LJ. I'm awkward and feel a bit bitter about things right now so I'm taking a break from being a 'fake supporter' and I'll go back and read all the fic for all the fests when I've calmed down a bit, I reckon. Seriously, though, I didn't want this to become about this one little sentence. Hugs. Thanks for caring! ♥
(I am reading drabbles on various prompt communities, though, so Fuck Yeah!)
I also cannot wait for SMOOCH to start posting.

What I'm Modding:
hdotp with amorette

I'm sure I've forgotten something

What I'm thinking about:
* Ideas for my latest Merthur WIP
* Ideas for my merlinreversebb
* Doing more Word Wars at merlin_writers
* A Sequel to a Sirius/Harry fic I wrote in 2013 and making it H/D/S as I'd promised in the ending.
* Ginny Weasley's Patronus
* Finding new art ideas.
* Whether I'll get to stay at my flat or is my flatmate going to be an arsehole and I'll have to move.
* Travel - I'm ALWAYS thinking about Travel. Maybe Chicago again in July.
* Credit Card Debt
* My next Star Wars Celebration

What I'm Creating:
Drabbles for camelot_drabble
Fic for hprarefest
Fic for slashorific
More things for tavern-tales
Fic for hdotp
I've recently finished: hd_smoochfest, harrydracompreg, camelotremix, hds_beltane, fortheloveofhp, hd_collab, so if you'd asked me this question last week :)

I'm sure I've forgotten something

What I'm Watching:
Arrow, Flash, Daredevil, I just got iZombie last night but haven't watched an episode yet, The Good Wife, Sleepy Hollow - just one episode behind, Eureka. Last year I'd binged watched HOMELAND because I'd heard Bradley James was going to be on it. Well he was on it for like 5 minutes. I watched a couple episodes after that and then I gave up. Because, I really only watched it to see Bradley James and I stupidly had thought that he was going to be a relevant character.

Thanks for reading. You didn't have to! :D

about: in progress, about: fests, about: life, about: writing, about: things i mod

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