Title: Shadow
digthewriterTeam: Aurors
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry/Draco
Challenge: Out and About # 324 for
dracoharry100Authors Notes: I was oot and aboot (Yeah, Doctor Who, couldn't help it)
He stared at the map for hours, even when the footsteps didn’t move. He was obsessed; now he admitted it. It was Eighth year and Harry had vouched for Malfoy at the Trials; getting him his freedom and a lighter sentence for his mother. Yet, Harry still sat on the couch in Gryffindor Common Room and traced Malfoy’s movements. His friends were out and about, having fun, stealing kisses when no one was looking; yet Harry focused on one thing and one thing only.
Harry only cared to be out with Malfoy. What Harry only cared to steal were glances.