A Very Important Walk (Harry/Draco)

Mar 31, 2015 19:12

Title: A very important walk
Author: digthewriter
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: DRACO/HARRY
Challenge: WALK for dracoharry100

“Will you take a walk with me?” Harry asked.

“To where?” Draco said.

“To our favourite tree,” Harry replied smiling. “I have a very important question to ask you.”

Draco raised an eyebrow. “Which one is our favourite tree?”

“The one where I pushed you against and kissed you, of course,” Harry said.

“Oh right. That tree. What do you have to ask me?”

Harry rolled his eyes. “We have to go to the tree first,” he demanded.

“Don’t plan on pushing me against it again, do you?” Draco teased.

“No. I just plan on asking a very important question.”

community: dracoharry100, community: hd_ina_tree, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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