Rec: Samhain Gifts (Harry/Sirius)

Oct 31, 2013 10:45

Title: Samhain Gifts
Pairing: Sirius/Harry
Rating: PG
Summary: Sirius wishes to give Harry all the things, including a special Samhain.
Written for: hp_halloween by starduchess
Words: 200

It's a gift to me for the hp_halloween fest, I love this not only b/c it's my favourite secret ship (scarstar) but the author used 'Siri' and I totally squealed at the restaurant last night when I read it because of all my Siri love from my fic The Emulation Draught.  I just love this so much! ♥ I don't know if the author did that on purpose and if they did, that's just an extra special thing!

recommendation, scarstar, community: hp_halloween, pairing: sirius/harry, rating: pg

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